写这个暑假你打算去哪?和谁一起去?怎样去?何时去?去干什么?(英语作文,用一般过去式写) I had a busy holiday.I went to Beijing with my mum by bus on my summer holiday.We went there on July 10th.We visited the Great Wall,On the Great Wall,I saw many visitors,I took many pictures,I bought some prensents for my good friends,We ate Beijing Dunk,.We had a good time.Iwas tired but I was very happy.
国内考博需要怎么准备?难度大吗? 谢邀~多年前,硕博圈有句话叫【没有毕不了业的研究生,没有考不上的博士】当然这是多年前,今昔不同往日…
英语小作文,去年暑假你去哪儿度假了?和谁去的?在那儿做了什么?请你向大家描述 Last summer holidays,I went to Beijing with my mother.We paid a visit to the Great Wall and the Forbidden City.The scenarios are great.We had a good time.
2021考研跟哪些老师靠谱?哪些资料比较好? 考研参考书和老师推荐英语老师和书籍推荐单词软件推荐1.墨墨:目前为止拥有最多单词书的软件;遗忘曲线记…