我的家乡高唐作文300字 我的家乡聊城英文作文


美丽的家乡聊城400字小学作文 美丽的家乡 我的家乡是一个美丽的地方—聊城,你可能没有到过永嘉,那里风光秀丽,景色宜人,今天让我们带你走进我的家乡去看一看吧。有“古村落”之称的林坑,风景如画的四海山,古老的丽水街,还有“天然美景”之称的狮子岩。这里最美的是狮子岩。清晨,水面上飘着薄薄的雾。天边的白鹭和山上的绿树,隐隐约约地倒映在溪水中。一只只竹排从楠溪江的河面上漂过,船尾拖着一条长长的波纹。溪水在阳光的照耀下,金光闪闪显得更加的有色彩。我的家乡不仅风光迷人,而且物产丰富。有又大又红的西瓜,酸酸甜甜的杨梅,还有又大又黄的柚子。这里我最喜欢杨梅了,她穿着一件紫红的衣裳,形状像一个带刺的乒乓球。只要一想到杨梅,我就直流口水。咬上一口,那甜中带酸、酸中带甜的味道,好吃极了!我的家乡山清水秀,绿树环绕,鸟语花香,是个天堂般美丽的地方。我爱我的家乡

我的家乡高唐作文300字 我的家乡聊城英文作文

英语作文 我的家乡带翻译 60-80词汇量 My home is a small town,where the scenery beautiful,tree-yin.Spring,the branches out of the verdant branches,grass lazily opened his eyes,the flowers are in full bloom one after another,and red,blue,yellow,purple,and strange,colorful.Flowers were sent bursts of intoxicating fragrance,attracted a large group of butterflies,butterfly fluttering in the air,it can be really beautiful scene。Summer,and leaves green,but also to the river Mo Yu,Shu-Yi Keke,as some fighters that the general.Fragrant flowers are also attractive.Lotus has also opened,the leaves are green,pale pink flowers,really beautiful,ah。We mostly like to Hawthorn adopted children to eat lotus root,a fish in the water swimming in droves,one by us to catch up on the\"jump\"to see if it looks like begging really poor。Fall,geese fly south,while rows of adult-shaped,while they line up a shape.Blue blue sky,the sky is a golden scene,wheat is yellow,the leaves are yellow,the leaves from a tree a mother's embrace,alone。

我的家乡高唐作文300字 我的家乡聊城英文作文

我的家乡英语作文80字。十分钟左右 My hometown is very beautiful,people want to stay here forever.Get up every morning,we can see the smoke-filled lake,the sun shines on the top,the sparkling shine.In my hometown,the most beauti.

我的家乡高唐作文300字 我的家乡聊城英文作文

英语作文my hometown

以我的家乡(聊城)为题目写一篇英语作文 I live in a small town.In the past ten years,great changes have take place in my hometown.In the past,people lived a terrible life.They used to live in old houses.Rubbish can be seen everywhere and the environment was polluted.The transportation was not convenient and there were few visitors.At present,things are greatly changed.People have moved into big bright houses.Many people have their own cars and they are living a happier life.People pay attention to the environmental protection.The mountains are becoming greener,water much cleaner.They enjoy a clearer sky.As a result,many visitors come here to spend their holidays.I love my hometown.I hope it will become and beautiful.

英语作文【我的家乡 聊城】 We liaocheng not only has the beautiful scenery,but also have excellent traffic conditions,for the domestic and foreign friends to\"jiangbei shuicheng\"tourism provides the convenience.Jingjiu rail.

我的家乡高唐作文300字 我的家乡是2113被誉为“江北水城5261,运河古都”的中国历史文化名城4102—聊城。我的家乡不1653仅历史悠久,有着深厚的人文,而且还有着优美的景色,你看那宽阔的京杭运河闪烁着耀眼的金光,整修一新的运河两岸风景如画,河水幽幽清澈见底,她像一块巨大而透明的蓝宝石镶嵌在广阔肥沃的大地上,它既记载了家乡人民撒下辛劳汗水而创造的奇迹,又向国内外和世人展现了聊城富有灵性的水的魅力。现在,我的家乡聊城已成为了国内外游客无比向往的地方呢!

小学四年级作文我的家乡___聊城 我的家乡在聊城我的家乡在聊城市,它位于山东省的西部,处于广阔肥沃的鲁西平原上,又称“江北水城”、“运河古都”。聊城是一座历史文化名城,也是一座现代化的新城。这里有京杭大运河穿过,像一条玉带,把聊城的许多名胜古迹和景点连在一起,例如:山陕会馆、东昌湖、光岳楼、文化广场等等。另外,聊城还有许多休闲娱乐景点,例如:姜堤乐园、凤凰苑、腾龙广场、湖滨公园、老聊城花园和体育公园。目前正在建的摩天轮将作为聊城的地标建筑,也是亚洲第三高度的摩天轮。山陕会馆去过吗?那里是明清时山西和陕西的商人在聊城经商做生意时经常聚集的一个场所。院子里的两棵老槐树据说有几百年的历史了,老树依然郁郁葱葱,苍翠欲滴,显示了它顽强的生命力。会馆中心场地有一座古戏台,它采用全木质结构,虽历经百年,但是古戏台的每一部分结构仍然坚固,可见当时的工匠技术多么的高超!东昌湖是聊城最著名的景点之一,每一位来聊城的游客都不会错过,否则肯定后悔。东昌湖最大的特点就是“大”。它的面积比现在的西湖面积还要大3倍。所以聊城为什么会有“江北水城”的美誉?一是因为京杭大运河贯穿市中心,二是因为东昌湖是市内最大湖泊,三是因为徒骇河是农业灌溉。


