帮我翻译一段,中译英! 不要翻译工具翻译的,谢谢! 二战以来,以美国为首的发达国家在推动世界范围内贸 Ever since the Second World War,developed countries,especially the United States,have been promoting world trade while not completely letting go of protectionism.Though there has been significant leaps in world trade,especially in the reducing of tariffs,numerous non-tariff trade barriers are emerging.The global financial crises has pulled many countries into economic recession and protectionism is gaining strength.America,the largest economic body and the birth place of the economic crisis,is putting up new trade barriers against China in the surge of the revival of global protectionism,hoping to offset the huge trade deficit in the China-US trade through these trade-protection measures.Recent years,with the launching of the Obama administration,the US has put forward many new policies.However,can these policies indeed wipe away trade deficit?This paper first introduces the backgrounds of the several protectionistic policies that the US has launched in recent years,then 。生化危机4剧情对白中英文对照 Chapter 1-1(开场动画有字幕-_-!(车内)Leon(沉思后):我在一个直隶于总统的秘密组织接受特殊训练,负责保护总统的家人。警官1(笑):怎么这些棘手的事总让我碰上?警官2:呦,那你到底是谁?快点告诉我们。你这个远离故土的牛仔,我很同情你。Leon:这就是你们当地人的问话方式?不管怎么说,我还是应该告诉你们所行的目的。我的任务是要寻找总统失踪的女儿。警官1(笑):什么,就你一个人?Leon:我想你们来不光光是想当个跟班,然后跟我回去一起唱童子军军歌吧?警官2:你这疯狂的美国佬。这是你们头的命令,对我们来说可没什么大不了。Leon:我可指望着你们呢!(一个警官下车尿尿)Leon(沉思后):就在我接受保护总统家人的命令前不久,总统的女儿之被绑架了,这就是我只身一个人来这个破乡村的原因。根据情报部门的资料,有可靠的消息称,有人在这里见过跟总统女儿很像的女孩。而且很明显,她被某个不明的组织扣留了。我也没想到我的第一任务就被派到这里。警官2(车外):啊,真冷。一下子就这么冷。一定是幻觉。(回到车内)对不起,时间长了点。(汽车在吊桥前停下)警官1:往前就是村庄了。Leon:我去周围看看。(下车)警官2:我们留在车里,看车。我们可不想拿到罚单。(-_-)!Leon:嚯,。中译英:请英语高手帮我翻译一下,谢谢 Western public opinion at prosperous and great China does the contribution of to the world economy,raise of two examples BE,because of Chinese economy the growth is sturdy,arousing world original continuously soar of the material and the energy market price.The price uped to take to go to evangel for the raw material and the energy export country,but in the meantime because China export a great deal of cheap product,and then suppressed other nations because the raw material and the energy price soar to bringInflation pressure.England《economist》the magazine says then,from 2000,the price of petroleum market in world turned over a triple,its growth range can and the two petroleum crisis of the 70's in 20 centuries match in excellence.However,but soar rapidly of this petroleum price was like to cause inflation so usually of the upsurge and economic decline.It thinks this mainly is because of the cause of Chinas.《Economist》Be crying up Chinese economy to do the contribution 。急求写篇英文的关于这次金融危机的文章,高分求。哪位高手帮忙写篇英文的关于这次金融危机的文章,主要是关于“What do you think the government should do in this finance crisis?” 主要写写 政府 在这次
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