急1111翻译成英文 The design of single-chip microcomputer controlled by the automatic feeding system with hopper dryer feed supporting system.Charging process in accordance with the requirements of its working principle is:first vacuum tube to close,start motor,using low vacuum plastic resin particles will flow into the vacuum tube,the electrical switch to stop,and then particles into the hopper,and so the cycle. In the design of the control system can control two motors feed a production line,from the direction switching valve.Can separate the two production lines running,can also be run at the same time.If both run,when a transmission line after the line judge to another has come to an end marker,then turn to the direction of the electrical non-stop for the valve,so as to feed another production line.That is a motor control system and the efficiency of feed in order to achieve automation. Control system are single-chip microcomputer 89C51 controller and expansion of the circuit composed of ...
帮忙英语翻译下。要通顺。 Compound mould has the processing workpiece coaxial degree good,surface flat,high precision,high production size obvious virtues,mould enterprise in conditions allow,tend to choose compound mould structure.This paper introduces automatic feed stamping compound mould design,analysis the stamping process and punching process,analyzes the composition parts,determined the shape of blank send into and localization way,and the main components of mould designing in detail.Also includes cutting force calculation and the cutting clearance choice,the main points of design pressure center calculation.In no external power under the condition of providing feeding power,clever design inclined wedge feeding agencies use mould itself press the realization of automatic feeding power and save money,improve the production efficiency.
英语达人帮忙翻译下,要通顺,别只用工具。谢谢 The design content is automatically sent to the design of metal stamping compound die,according to workpiece shape and other characteristics of the parts required for processing a combination of stamping process and process steps to develop the overall program and process calculation,the main components of the mold and made concrete Designed.Design contains a rough calculation of the size,punching power and drawing force calculation,select the blanking clearance,center of pressure OK,press the selection,mold design part of the edge calculation points,in the absence of external power machine to provide The case of feeding power,clever wedge design of the mold itself with the feeding mechanism for automatic feeding power presses.Design of the mold to complete the automatic feeding and a mold or two,greatly improving production efficiency.
三岁孩子找一对一的外教好,还是专业幼儿英语培训机构好? 孩子刚3岁,上过一年的某机构的早教课,觉得有用。也就接受了孩子早期教育的许多理念。我和老婆都是土博…
贴标机的专业词怎么翻译 贴标机(Labeller),是以粘合剂把纸或金属箔标签粘贴在规定的包装容器上的设备。贴标签机是现代包装不可缺少...自动贴标机http://www.youngsunbz.cn/products/Labeling.shtml
英语翻译 The design content is automatically sent to the design of metal stamping compound die,according to
英语翻译 通过对固定架结构、表面质量、尺寸以及原材料分析确定了固定架的总体设计方案.注塑成型工艺分析确定了注塑机的型号为XS-ZY-125.结合固定架的结构特点采用平直分型面.分型面上分流道的布置形式为平衡式布置实现均衡送.
帮忙把以下内容翻译成英文 Produce the dedicated device of the bottle lid as follows: ①J23S-16T(ton)Deep neck numerical control puncher,mix computer and hand over material organization,used in the first dish of blanking of bottle lid;② J23-16T(ton)Draw the deep puncher horizontally,is used in the bottle lid to draw and shape deeply twice;③ The complete set is made and covered on the mould;④3 full-automatic flowers rolling machine;⑤ Full-automatic cushion adding machine of one pair of heads;⑥ J23-3.15T puncher,is used in the bottle lid and wash the cushion;⑦ Bottle lid get away word machine;⑧ Wash the word machine with bottle lid;⑨ Aluminium board polishing machine. The above-mentioned apparatus are only for reference.
远东送料机用英语怎么说 送料机是比较精密的仪器,使用过程中如果使用不得当或使用时间长,是很容易造成机械故障,所遇到的安装故障所造成的,多数为外部设备故障为主。下面先讲一下送料机一些常见故障的排除方法:问题:放松装置不顺畅解决方法:11、检查模具是否内定为导销,仔细检查并修正。2、观察送料方向是否有偏移,再检查工作方向是否正确,模具是否正常。3、偏心轴和放松轴失油卡死,使用煤油清晰并加注黄油。问题:送料无规律性误差解决方法:1、检查压料板受力是否均匀,要是不均匀则调整放松装置压力。2、所使用的送料机构是否属于气动放松,是则检查空压机压力是否正常。3、检查材料架送入之卷材是否与送料机、模具在同一水平线上。
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