偶像用英语怎么读? 优质偶像用英文怎么说


“一个喜欢偶像的玩家”用英语怎么说 您的问题很简单.知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题.原句:一个喜欢偶像的玩家翻译:A man who likes idol(image)players偶像:idol;image知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译.

偶像用英语怎么读? 优质偶像用英文怎么说

将娱乐明星视为偶像 用英语怎么说 regard the entertainment stars as idols

偶像用英语怎么读? 优质偶像用英文怎么说

偶像英语怎么写 idol;figure;icon;graven image;swami这些都具有表达偶像的意思.

偶像用英语怎么读? 优质偶像用英文怎么说

偶像用英语怎么说 idol idol[英]['a?dl][美][?a?dl]n.偶像,崇拜物;幽灵;谬论;幻觉;


“我要做一个优质偶像”用英语怎么说? I want to be a super idol.望采纳!

怎样用英文来介绍偶像 God from the east by U-know,Hero,Xiah,Micky,Max is composed of five members of the portfolio.Oriental God from the acronym is:TVXQ,was originally Tong Vfang Xien QiThe first appearance of the portfolio is a member of the U-ho,in his May 13,2002 for the first time to China,followed by identity Ban Wu has participated in the performance of the SM.His Linjiananhai feel like dancing with the handsome deeply attracted a large number of ethnic Han Kazakhstan,and yet to debut,he won the high degree of concern.December 26,2003,China and South Korea in the Fans of the hard look,from the East God finally had to stand in front of fans,and a debut on the small stage with BoA days later,the company shows the importance attached to them.From 1999 to 2003,has prepared a total of five years before the birth of the East from God.Martial arts comics like\"God from the East\"combination of the names,including\"representatives of the Republic of Korea in Asia and the world-wide reputation for shock。


