英语专业论文答辩自我陈述词怎么写 英语本科论文答辩陈述


英语专业毕业论文答辩怎么来陈述才最好?力求表现最好!谢谢!!! 2113学术堂整理了一份毕业论文答辩的陈述技巧5261,供大家进行参考4102:1、要熟悉论文并反复练习.严格控制好时1653间,最好是准备两个讲述版本:3分钟和5分钟,3分钟版本有助于理清陈述的思路;而5分钟版本则能够进一步讲解论文中细节,也是多数答辩的时限要求.然后反复练习5-10遍,并进行录音回放,纠正自己的口音和口头语.2、逻辑清晰.虽然论文写作时会分章节进行,但这只是为了保证论文结构清晰.在答辩陈述时,则需围绕上述四个问题(What,Why,How,What)组织PPT的内容和结构,分章陈述反而会破坏思路的连贯性.各部分内容之间加入一些转承会让你的答辩陈述逻辑更加清晰.3、语速适中或略快,以清晰陈述为宜.略快可以,体现对内容的熟悉,学术上的自信,太快或太慢都不好.答辩陈述中要观察听众的反应,适当加入停顿或变换语调,以便重新聚合听众的注意力.4、肢体语言.可以用适当的肢体语言来强调,但不要背对听众,要诚恳地用眼睛交流.用目光照顾每一位评委,不要眼顾其他,飘忽不定.不要把手插到兜里,尤其是只把大拇指插到兜里;不要乱晃;不要双手交叉抱在胸前.5、注意开场白、结束语的礼仪,要用纯学术语言陈述.6、陈述的内容,是要提前在纸上写好的;口才较好的,也要有提纲.不能临时。

英语专业论文答辩自我陈述词怎么写 英语本科论文答辩陈述


英语专业论文答辩自我陈述词怎么写 英语本科论文答辩陈述

英语毕业论文答辩的陈述词应该怎么说,最好有个模式。以及要用到哪些语句。 good afternoon,自我介绍一下,i would like to talk about my paper 内容.thank you

英语专业论文答辩自我陈述词怎么写 英语本科论文答辩陈述

求英语专业论文答辩陈述词 急! Good evening,all the appraiser committee members.I come from HUST,majoring in foreign linguistics and applied linguistics.I am*and my supervisor is prof.*.With her sincere and intellectual guidance,for nearly one whole year's hard work,I have finished my paper.Finally,it is the show time.This evening I will present my efforts to you all and I gratefully welcome any correction.The title of my paper is A Study of the Causes of the Gothic Stylein A Rose for Emily from a Feminist Perspective.I choose this as my topic due to the following reasons.Firstly,I am fond of literature works,especially gothic literature works.Secondly,I am quite familiar with this short story as this is one of the texts in our intensive teaching course and I have taught this text for than 3 times.Last but not the least,as a female,I am keen on the study of feminism.For the above facts,I select the subject of A Study of the Causes of the Gothic Style in A Rose for Emily from a Feminist Perspective as the 。

论文答辩陈述部分开头怎么说英语的 好评率:% Distinguished teachers,my name is.My thesis is.先打招呼,做个自我介绍,然后直奔论文,切勿拖泥带水 嫌麻烦就把你洗衣机的型号或断皮带,拿到维修点去买1个。


