你的妈妈是做什么的?她是一名老师.咋翻译 What is your mother does?She is a teacher
英语翻译 1.Do you like the kids work together?2.When I think of my mother as an teacher.3.I'm looking for a fun and exciting work.4.We want a music teacher to call the piano.
她的妈妈是一名小学教师.用英语翻译 Her mother is a primary school teacher.
他的母亲是一名教师(翻译成英语) His mother is a teacher.
知道 提问 搜一搜 。举报反馈 战队 他的母亲是一名教师用英语怎么说 写回答 有奖励 。电脑版 ?2020Baidu 京ICP证030173号-1 京网文【2013】0934-983号