跪求一篇祝贺朋友考入大学的英语作文 dear XXXi am so glad to hear that you are addmited by XXX university.And i knew that XXX university is one of the most best and top university in your provience.I hope you can enjoy the school life and work hard on your study like the time you were in middle school.As long as you work hard enough,you can get high marks in the exams,please try your best to do it.i hope you can have a bright future
古文方法对对子 严寒对( ) 桃红对( ) 和风对( ) 春暖对( ) 暮色对( ) 酷暑,柳绿,细雨,秋凉,晨光
印度数学家什迦逻曾提出过“荷花问题”: 设湖水深为x尺,则红莲总长为(x+0.5)尺,根据勾股定理得:x2+22=(x+0.5)2,得:x=3.75,即湖水深3.75尺.