明天我们打算去放风筝的英文怎么说 We are going to fly kites tomorrow.我打算和朋友们去公园野餐,早上,我们在草地上放风筝,中午,我们在一起野炊,下午,我们在草地上玩。太 I decide to go to park for picnic with my friends.In the morning,we will fly a kite together on the grassland.At noon,we are going to have a picnic.Afternoon,we will play on the grassland.When the sun goes down,we have to go home.What a wonderful day。英语翻译 He will talk about his favorite season.We plan to go to Xi`an tomorrow.They are going to fly kites this afternoon.Peter will play basketball tomorrow.明天上午我们一起去放风筝怎么样?英语(两种) How about going to fly kites together tomorrow morning?What about going to fly kites together tomorrow morning?亲:每天都开心V_V。thanks(thx)。英语翻译 Tomorrow morning we kite-flying in the park If you are not angry that he would They acquired to help the elderly Tomorrow afternoon there is a football match In September this year,there is a new hosp.
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