英语翻译 以后我带你玩英文怎么说



英语翻译 以后我带你玩英文怎么说

有时间我去找你玩 英语怎么说? If I have time,I will look for you and play together.If I am free,I will look for you and play together.If I have time,I will visit you and play together.还有好多种

英语翻译 以后我带你玩英文怎么说

英语翻译 Dear Linda,I want to go to the beach with you this Labor Day.Walk with you on the beach,swimming and playing water with you;I want to collect all kinds of beautiful shells for you,then we will go and.

英语翻译 以后我带你玩英文怎么说

英语翻译 We come home at five in the afternoon You can eat first some bread You can later playing computer games She can cross the road They have to wait for the green We can use in the supermarket shopping ba.

你考试以后可以来上海我带你去玩英语翻译 You can come to Shanghai after you take the final exams,and I'll show you around.

英语翻译 1.When I travel back,I want to have the work done.2.The boy in the complete all homework after he went out to play.3.I raise your voice,in order to let people hear what I say.4.I saw she was taken out of the classroom.5.Yesterday we repair the roof.

我去过的每个地方以后我都会带上你英语 我去过的每个地方以后我都会带上你Every place I've been to,I'll take you with me我去过的每个地方以后我都会带上你Every place I've been to,I'll take you with me


