你能懂我那该多好 谁知道莫言的“你若懂我 该有多好”写作背景啊


如果你真的能懂我该有多好,也就不会那么心痛 每个人都是一个独立的个体,在他自己眼里永远都是世界的中心。那么别人为什么一定要懂你?而你又懂他多少?不管是爱情亲情还是友情,在他们的生活圈里除了你以外,还有数不尽的事情和人事要处理

你能懂我那该多好 谁知道莫言的“你若懂我 该有多好”写作背景啊

你若懂我该多好 他吃过亏后,就懂你了,肯定会就更珍惜你和孩了

你能懂我那该多好 谁知道莫言的“你若懂我 该有多好”写作背景啊

“你若懂我,该有多好”全诗的翻译是什么? 翻译为英文如下:2113Everyone has a dead Angle,If you can't walk out,you can't get through.I put the deepest secret there.You don't understand me.I don't blame you.Everyone has a wound,Or deep or shallow,covering the cloth,believing that it does not exist.I put the most red blood there.You don't understand me.I don't blame you.Everyone has a love,Heart,use sentiment,force,move also sentimental.I hid the most scorching heat there.You don't understand me.I don't blame you.Everyone has a line of tears,The cold water that drank,the brewing of hot tears.I put the most poignant grievances there.You don't understand me.I don't blame you.Everyone has a confession.Uneasy,uneasy,but full of heart and courage.I use the most lyrical language there.You don't understand me.I don't blame you.You can never see the time when I love you most,Because I love you only when I can't see you.Also,you can never see my loneliest,Because I am only lonely when you can't see me。.

你能懂我那该多好 谁知道莫言的“你若懂我 该有多好”写作背景啊

求一首诗,莫言的《你若懂我该多好》!急! 莫言所写的这首诗并不是叫《你若懂我该多好》,而是一首名叫《你若懂我,该有多好》的诗。全文具体内容如下: 每个人都有一个死角,自己走不出来,别人也闯不进去。。


