幼儿园狮子王英语童话剧剧本 狮子王剧本台词


求《狮子王1》中英文对照的全部台词 官方网站提供的完整剧本 。一些经典台词: 1.Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. 世界上所有的生命都在微妙的平衡中生存。2.I’m only brave when I。

幼儿园狮子王英语童话剧剧本 狮子王剧本台词

跪求 狮子王1 和 怪物史莱克1 中英文对白剧本全部 学英文用 Form day we arrive on the planet.有一天,我们来到了这颗星球。And,blinking,step into the sun.眨着眼走进阳光。There's to to see.想看的。Than can ever be seen.永远看不够。to do.想做的。Than can ever be done.永远做不够。There's far to much to take in here.想要学的,永远没有尽头。to find.想寻找的。Than can ever be found.永远那么多。But the sun rolling high.但日出日落。Through the sapphire sky.穿过蓝天。Keeps great and small.把伟大和渺小。On the endless round.融入无尽的轮回。It's the circle of life.这是生命的轮回。And it moves us all.让所有人。Through despair and hope.体验绝望和希望。Through faith and love.体验忠诚和爱情。Till we find our place.直到找到自己。On the path unwinding in the circle.一条只有一个方向的轮回之路。The circle of life.生命的轮回。It's the circle of life.这是生命的轮回。And it moves us all.让所有人。Through despair and hope.体验绝望和希望。Through faith and love.体验忠诚和爱情。Till we find our place.直到找到自己。On the path unwinding in the 。

幼儿园狮子王英语童话剧剧本 狮子王剧本台词


幼儿园狮子王英语童话剧剧本 狮子王剧本台词

童话剧本 狮子王 当太2113阳从水平线上升起时,非洲大草5261原苏醒了,万兽群集,荣耀4102欢呼,共同1653庆贺狮王穆法沙和王后沙拉碧产下的小王子辛巴的诞生。充满智慧的老狒狒—巫师拉飞奇为小辛巴兴起行了洗礼,他捧起一把细沙撒在小辛巴头上。可是狮王的兄弟刀疤对辛巴的出生仇恨不已,他认为如果不是辛巴,自己将会继承王位,因此在他心中埋下了罪恶的种子。时光飞逝,辛巴已经长成健康、聪明的小狮子了,可他的叔叔刀疤却一刻也没有放弃对他的嫉恨。一次,在刀疤的引诱下,辛巴和好朋友娜娜去国界外的大象墓地探险,3只受刀疤指使的鬣狗开始围攻辛巴,辛巴和娜娜害怕极了。在这危急的时刻,狮王木法沙突然出现了,他怒吼一声,吓得鬣狗们拔腿就逃。辛巴和娜娜得救了。刀疤对辛巴被救十分恼怒,他阴险地决定杀掉木法沙,他向鬣狗们许诺等除掉木法沙和辛巴、自己当上国王后,就让他们顺理成章地进入狮子王国。几天以后,刀疤又引诱辛巴到了一个山谷,然后指使鬣狗们追击角马。大批角马朝辛巴狂奔过来,穆法沙又及时赶到,救出辛巴,可自己却被弟弟刀疤推下了山谷。洪水般的角马群冲过去了,辛巴在死寂的山谷里发现了一动不动的父亲。他心里悲痛而内疚,以为是自己害死了父亲。。

狮子王剧本台词 Lion King[Bath Scene-Intro to Water Hole Scene]{Simba is running down the slope of the bottom part of Pride Rock.He runs down towards two lionesses(Sarabi and Sarafina).Sarafina is giving Nala a bath.Music is light,almost jazzy.Pan flute lead.}Simba:Hey,Nala.Nala:Hi,Simba.Simba:Come on.I just heard about this great place.Nala:{Through clenched teeth} Simba。I'm kind of in the middle of a bath.Sarabi:And it's time for yours.{Simba tries(too late)to escape;Sarabi bendsdown and grabs him.She proceeds to give the struggling cub a bath.}Simba:Mom。Mom.You're messing up my mane.{Sarabi smiles.}Simba:Okay,okay,I'm clean.Can we go now?Nala:So where are we going?It better not be anyplace dumb.Simba:No.It's really cool.Sarabi:So where is this\"really cool\"place?Simba:Oh.{thinks} Uh.around the water hole.Nala:The water hole?What's so great about the water hole?Simba:{Whisper} I'll SHOW you when we GET there.Nala:{Whisper} Oh.{Normal} Uh.Mom,can I go with Simba?Sarafina:Hmm。.


