福尔摩斯对莫里亚蒂教授的一段话 《最后一案》中福尔摩斯对华生说:“如果我能为社会除掉莫里亚蒂这个祸害,那么,我情愿结束我的侦探生涯。我可以说,我完全没有虚度此生.如果我生命的旅程到今夜为止,我也可以问心无愧地视死如归。由于我的存在,伦敦的空气得以清新。在我办的一千多件案子里,我相信,我从未把我的力量用错了地方。你所要的那句最著名的感人的话T_T:对莫利亚蒂说:“如果能保证毁灭你,那么,为了社会的利益,即使和你同归于尽,我也心甘情愿。原文对话(我一个一个字打的噢!莫利亚蒂:\"You hope to place me in the dock.I tell you that I will never stand in the dock.You hope to beat me.I tell you that you will never beat me.If you are clever enough to bring destruction upon me,rest assured that I shall do as much to you.\"福尔摩斯:\"You have paid me several compliments,Mr Moriarty.Let me pay you one in return when I say that if I were assured of the former eventuality I would,in the interests of the public,cheerfully accept the latter.”
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