英语的利,用英文写出三点 charming 武林路


英语的利,用英文写出三点 1 you can communicate with the speaking people2 you can work as a news reader in CCTV93 You can travel around the speaking country with ease4 you can start reading books written in 5 you can help direction-lost speaking tourist in your country6 you can start teaching your friends or even your children to speak 7 if your is good,do not be shy to tell the mistakes of your teacher in school.8 you can use baiduyixia or baiduzhidao to help students to do homework9 you can start to date speaking dame or guys10 Knowing is like having an extra language/tool where you can use everyday or one day.

有没有跟胡歌演的《神话》类似的穿越电影?知道的说下,谢谢啦~ 中国版:成龙、金喜善主演电影版《神话》张艺谋、巩俐《古今大战秦俑情》周杰伦自导自演《不能说的秘密》周星星同学的《大话西游》系列现在正热映的《越光宝盒》国外的就更多了:回到未来1、2、3(Back to the Future)女神陷阱(Immortel)…雷霆万钧(Sound of Thunder)超时空效应(Deja Vu)…蝴蝶效应(The Butterfly Effect超时空接触(Contact)…时空急转弯1、2(Visiteurs,Les)…时空访客(Just Visiting12猴子(Twelve Monkeys)…=费城实验(The Philadelphia Experiment)…K02灾难制造者(The Time Shifters)…=黑洞频率(Frequency)…=穿越时空爱上你(Kate&Leopold)…=湖畔小屋(The Lake House)…宇宙追击令(The One)…=重返中世纪(Timeline)…=时光倒流70年(Somewhere in Time)…=核子母舰遇险记(The Final Countdown)…=时空救援(Retrograde)…时光机器(The Time Machine)…=时空特警(Timecop)…时间裂缝(The Langoliers)…星际之门(Stargate)…废墟行动(Jesus Video,Das)…=土拨鼠日(Groundhog Day)…12:01…情书(1999)(The Love Letter)…=鬼玩人1、2、3(The Evil Dead)…阿比阿弟的冒险(Bill&Ted's Excellent Adventure)…=黑。

《杰克基恩2:火焰之心》全剧情图文攻略 帆船枪战 剧情:(上海,监狱岛)一艘帆船在暴风雨中航行着,金发美女阿曼达正在阅览杰克从监狱到寄出的信函,上面写道,金发美女阿曼达跟杰克共同寻找的东西就在监狱岛上。

我的寒假英语作文带翻译 For most people,the winter holiday is a good time for a holiday,but,I can only choose curtilage at home this winter break.Actually I am very much looking 。


