我拥有它六年了翻译 英语翻译


我叫林涛,我希望在2006年拥有一个灵活的机器人,他的名字叫超人,在星期六,他会在早上跟我一起打篮球,到了中午,他会做好午饭给我吃,晚上,他帮我打扫了我的卧室 My name is Lin Tao,i hope i can have one flexible robot in 2006,he will be named super man.On Each Saturday Morning,he will play baskball with me,And he will cool lunch for me at the noon.At the nigh,.英语翻译 Lianyungang is in the northeat of Jiangsu、near ShandongHuaiyin and to the east of Huanghai.`It covers an area of seven thousand four hundred and fourty-four kiIometers.It has three districts and four.我拥有它三年时间了 英语 你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:I had it for three years.希望我的回答对你有帮助。句子翻译 I have been collecting stamps for six years。我拥有它已经7年了的翻译 你好。我拥有它已经7年了I have it for 7 years.英语翻译 1 he had just eaten breakfast.2 I have never been to the city before,so I was nervous.3 have you seen the new movie yet?4 my brother is not here,he went to the library.5 Jack has left China for 3 ye.


