我想问中国的斐乐商品和意大利本土的有没有区别,设计和制作都一样?还是安踏自己挂牌生产只是logo一样? 中外斐乐商品差别 没有具体的数据,就谈谈自己的亲身感受。首先FILA这个牌子本身现在在意大利的影响力并不大,理由是罗马的各个店铺闲逛时很少见到FILA的单品在卖,至于。
去意大利留学有什么公立的美院设计类比较好 我现在正在意大利读书,就我了解的来看,公立美院是佛罗伦萨,罗马,威尼斯 这三个都不错。不过像你这情况,我想你应该是要学工业设计,意大利公立大学好像就3所有这专业,米兰理工最牛,佛罗伦萨大学,热那亚也还行
为什么意大利的发动机技术那么好?在相对落后的工业体系下,是怎样实现的? rt,我想提到意大利就是时尚品牌,经济危机等,众所周知,意大利的工业不如英法德美,那为什么能制造出世…
英语翻译 As earlyas the first century BC,man had found they could zoom the image by using spherical transparentobjects to observe small objects.Gradually can magnify the object to spherical surface imaging laws have to meet.In 1590,the Netherlands and Italy glasses makers have made similar microscopes microscope.In 1611,Kepler(kebole):the proposed compound microscopes make way.1876 Abbe(ABI):analysis of images produce a diffraction effect in microscope imaging,try to design the ideal microscope.1901with Cajal(kajiaer)a group of organizations led by scientistsdeveloped a method of staining of microscope,microscopic Anatomy set afoundation for future.In 1930,Lebedeff(lebedeff):design and match the first interference microscope.Inaddition by Zernicke(zhuoni Ko)phase difference microscope inventedin 1932,two people developed to extend the conventional opticalmicroscope observation of the phase difference allows biologists toobserve details of staining on living cells.1952 Nomarski(Nomarski。