“拿手菜”用英文怎么说?? 一道拿手菜用英文怎么说


用英语介绍你最喜欢的一道菜以及它的制作方法,60~80词 My favorite dish is steaming fish.It is not difficult to make it.First you clean the fish and cut on its body,but don't cut it through.Next you place it in a plate and put some salt,soy sauce so.

“拿手菜”用英文怎么说?? 一道拿手菜用英文怎么说

你最拿手的菜是什么 用英语怎么说 What's your best dishes?(favorite)

“拿手菜”用英文怎么说?? 一道拿手菜用英文怎么说

用英语介绍一道菜的做法及翻译 Fried eggThe use of materials:an egg,a little soy saucePractice:Break the egg and put into a bowl,and then heat the pan.Add oil to lay down the egg frying,it can be half-cooked,or cooked whole,or on both sides golden.Add some soy sauce in the egg or can sprinkle pepper,salt while fry it.油煎荷包蛋用料:鸡蛋1粒,酱油少许做法:将鸡蛋打入碗中,烧热锅.放入油放下鸡蛋煎,可以煎至半生熟,或全熟,或两面金黄.放入些酱油在煎蛋时或可以洒些胡椒粉,细盐.

“拿手菜”用英文怎么说?? 一道拿手菜用英文怎么说

“拿手菜”用英文怎么说?? Specialty dish拿手菜Everyone has done their most specialty the dishes.

用英语写做一道中国菜的步骤 hredded Pork with Green Peppers青椒肉丝Ingredients:原料:300 grams(0.66 lb)pork tenderloin100 grams(0.22 lb)green peppers5 grams(5/6 tsp)salt1 gram(1/4 tsp)MSG10 grams(2 tsp)mixture of cornstarch and water100 grams(7 tbsp)cooking oil1 egg white10 grams(2 tsp)cooking wine25 grams(1 1/2 tbsp)water300 克猪里脊肉100 克青辣椒5 克精盐1 克味精10 克水淀粉100 克食用油1 个蛋青10 克料酒25 克水Directions:做法:1.Cut the meat into shreds 6 cm(2.4 inches)long and 0.3 cm(0.12 inch)thick and wide.Put in a bowl.Add 1 g(1/6 tsp)of salt and stir until mixture becomes sticky.Add the egg white and dry cornstarch and mix well.Cut the green peppers into shreds of similar size to the meat.将肉切成6厘米长、0.3厘米厚、0.3厘米宽的细丝放入碗中,加1克精盐搅拌上劲。然后加蛋青和干淀粉搅拌均匀。将青椒切丝备用,尺寸与肉丝相似。2.Heat the oil to 110-135oC(230-275oF)and stir-fry the pork shreds until they are done.Take out and drain off the oil.2、锅里倒油,加热至110-135oC,将肉丝。

第一次作文学一道拿手菜400字怎么写 做饭时,不觉有点心惊肉跳。因为这是我学会后第二次做菜呀!先砸开鸡蛋,砰一声,蛋壳裂开了。蛋清、蛋黄像一道凉爽的瀑布,流泻到碗里。今天要炒香椿,我隔两厘米切一刀,然后将花生油倒在锅里。刚一倒,我立刻松手,但这速度还是不及油溅起那迅雷不及掩耳之速。我被炸了一下,好痛啊。接着,我把菜和鸡蛋倒进锅里,只听哗的一声,油又溅了起来,可我没那么笨,一转头,油溅了个空。我用铲子一下一下翻着,这样,香椿和鸡蛋混到一起,成了许多块块。我有放进盐和油,我很不明白那么一点盐炒出的菜是那么咸,热气一下一下冒在我脸上,和舒服,但让我出了一身大汗。炒了能有五六分钟,我把火关了。菜炒熟了,关键是要把它盛出来。可是我学时只是炒好,而不需要盛。我只把大块炒菜盛进盘,而剩下的不知所措。奶奶过来帮忙,我也学会了—先把它们扒成一大团,再铲起来。上菜了,我自己尝了几口,并不怎么好吃,我想,家人会怎么评价呢?有点淡了,奇怪了,我炒时刻放了三勺盐。奶奶笑着说,她怕我炒咸,特意在里面加了三勺水。开饭了,全家人都说好吃。我知道,不论好吃不好吃,那都是他们对我的爱。

英语作文怎么写 How to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes Scrambled egg with tomato is a home-cooked food,it both delicious and easy to do.Do scrambled egg with tomato need raw materials have a tomato,three e.


