英语翻译 搬家是“move house”或者“make a move”,通常用move1、Where did he move to?2、I hope you can give me a hand when I move house next week3、Jack's family moved to ShangHai 3 days ago.4、They moved here f.我打算在北京逗留三天用英语怎么说 I decided to stay three days in Beijing英语翻译 Last Saturday,I went travelling to Beijing with my father.It was raining,but I still felt very happy.We watched many tourist attractions in Beijing.We had a delicious lunch at noon.On my way home,I bought a lot of presents with Dad,I'd like to give them to my friends as gifts.希望对你有用啊咱的水平不算太好XD英语翻译,“你打算到北京呆多久呢” How long are you going to stay in Beijing?How long do you intend to stay in Beijing?How long will you stay in Beijing?英语翻译 Our manager intend to have a business talk with you here in Beijing if possible.please advise me when you will be free next week。英语翻译 She usually goes to school by subway.Sometimes she goes to school by bike.或:She usually takes a subway/underground to school.Sometimes she rides her bike to school.2.步行去上学大约要花我二十五分钟.英语翻译 1.I stayed in Beijing for some time last year.2.You should do some exercise every week./You should exercise for several times every week.英语翻译 “我正在去北京”和“我打算去北京”,翻译成英文分别是:I am leaving for Beijing.I am going to Beijing.I plan to go to Beijing.而且,I am going to Beijing.是对的,但是I am going to go to Beijing.就太啰嗦,.英语翻译 1.I will have dinner with some friends tonght and will be home late.2.We still meet together where we used to.3.Whom will you have dinner with tonght?Are they your collegues?4.Who will travel with you tomorrow?Are you going to Beijing?5.It is late now and the job can be done tomorrow.The job can be done later on.
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