水乡城市的英文 英语翻译


江南水乡指的是哪些城市? 长江以南被统称为江南,水乡在苏杭地区很普遍,出名的有周庄,同里,千灯,南寻,路直,锦溪,木渎,乌镇等等

水乡城市的英文 英语翻译

英语翻译 I like the feeling of Jiangnan Water Village,and so on to a friend Zhujiajiao.But I was disappointed that it did not as I imagined-on both sides of the streets full of shops selling native products,while walking to eat everyone,it seems that they come here just to eat or shopping.I then quickly out of the streets,came to the river,a stone bridge Yingru my eye,have forgotten its name.It is said that because Zhujiajiao bridge is famous for its variety of large and small,different shapes of the stone bridge,this is the feeling of some of the ancient town.On the bridge,scenic panoramic view of the two sides-a boat on the River boatman skilled in the operation of the shuttle back down,residents in the riverside chat play…very satisfactory.I like the town,because there is not the product,but want to feel the kind of quiet outside the city.

水乡城市的英文 英语翻译

江南水乡的风景名胜(要写出风景名称,所在城市和有何 乌镇,位于浙江省嘉兴市桐乡市。乌镇是首批中国历史文化名镇、中国十大魅力名镇、全国环境优美乡镇、国家5A级景区,素有“中国最后的枕水人家”之誉,拥有7000多年文明史和1300年建镇史。是典型的中国江南水乡古镇,有“鱼米之乡、丝绸之府”之称。有六千年历史,是全国二十个黄金周预报景点及江南六大古镇之一。南浔,隶属浙江省湖州市南浔区。南浔曾由南林和浔溪两村组合而成,具有七千余年悠久历史,拥有国家AAAAA级旅游景区“南浔古镇景区”,拥有中国魅力名镇、国家卫生镇、江南六大古镇之一等诸多荣誉。周庄,位于江苏省苏州市昆山市。周庄,是一座江南小镇,有“中国第一水乡”之誉。周庄是江南六大古镇之一,于2003年被评为中国历史文化名镇。周庄历史悠久,是典型的江南水乡风貌,有独特的人文景观,是中国水乡文化和吴地方文化的瑰宝。同里古镇,属于江苏省苏州市吴江区。同里是江南六大古镇之一,同里旧称“富土”,唐初改为“铜里”,宋时将旧名拆字为“同里”。截至2015年已有1000多年历史,是中国水乡文化古镇。古镇区内始建于明清两代的花园、寺观、宅第和名人故居众多,“川”字形的15条小河把古镇区分隔成七个小岛,而49座古桥又将其连成一体,以。

水乡城市的英文 英语翻译

