在线等候 中-英 翻译 在线中英翻译



在线等候 中-英 翻译 在线中英翻译

在线中英文翻译 Accountant and the tax revenue are the economical domain two different branches,separately follows the different principle,the standard different object,serves to the different goal.But enterprise accountant the behavior actually simultaneously receives accountant the criterion,financial inventory accounting the system and the national tax revenue law laws and regulations two kind of behavior standards restriction,under this kind of dual restriction,accountant which in the enterprise accounting is suitable the criterion,financial inventory accounting the system and the tax revenue law laws and regulations in aspect the and so on rationale and computation caliber,computation time difference,thus has the certain difference,needs to perform regarding these differences through tax accounting to adjust.This article separately from the theory angle and the solid service angle several aspects brief analyses tax law and accountant's difference,some tax payment adjustments items carried on the 。

在线等候 中-英 翻译 在线中英翻译

在线等候 中-英 翻译 http://www.sdjzz.org/这是学校主页上的标准翻译Shandong Economic Workers Specialized Secondary Schools最早回答的那位漏掉了workers

在线等候 中-英 翻译 在线中英翻译


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中英在线翻译 Room 2,Floor 1,Jiuzhou Building 1#,Jiangbin Road,Wenzhou City英语地名2113翻译都是从小到大翻译的。1号楼,一般直5261接用4102building 1第几层不用level,而是用floor+数字的或者直1653接就不用第几层,比如说是3楼2室,我们直接用room 302就可以了。你参考下用问题,我们再沟通

在线等候 中-英 翻译 1.Yanbian accounting worker secondary specialized schools2.Graduation thesis good3.Student id Industry and commerce designed 053337


