想请人帮我翻译一下这篇日记,我写的,想要翻成英语,交给英语老师当作作业的! 这本日记是由谁请人出版的英文翻译


我想知道这本日记是由谁请人出版的翻译英文 I would like to know if this diary is written by anyone who asks the person to publish the translation.我想知道这本日记是由谁请人出版的翻译

想请人帮我翻译一下这篇日记,我写的,想要翻成英语,交给英语老师当作作业的! 这本日记是由谁请人出版的英文翻译

英语翻译 牛津英语9A Unit 3 课本原句翻译1、我没有足够的睡眠I don’t have enough sleep.2、我没有足够的时间做回家作业I don’t have enough time to do my homework.3、吃得太多使你不健康Eating too much makes you unhe.

想请人帮我翻译一下这篇日记,我写的,想要翻成英语,交给英语老师当作作业的! 这本日记是由谁请人出版的英文翻译

《anne's best friend 》这是一篇高中英语课文,谁能给我翻译一下,在下感激不尽! 安妮最好的朋友 你是不是想有一位无话不谈能推心置腹的朋友呢?或者你是不是担心你的朋友会嘲笑你,会不理解你目前的困境呢?安妮·弗兰克想要的是第一种类型的朋友,于是。

想请人帮我翻译一下这篇日记,我写的,想要翻成英语,交给英语老师当作作业的! 这本日记是由谁请人出版的英文翻译

高一英语教科书安妮的日记翻译 原文:Anne's best friend 翻译:安妮最好的朋友 原文:Do you whether be or not want to have one friend who is in each other's confidence being able to be loyal in。

英语翻译 刘涛总是有许多问题Liu Tao always has many questions.你们农场上有一些梨树吗?Does your farm have some pear trees?我有2本日记本.I have two diaries.冰箱里没有果汁了.There is no juice in the refrigerator

英语翻译小学。1.这些是谁的日记本?是他们的。 2.你想要什么作为万圣节礼物?我想要一个南瓜灯笼和 Whose are these diaries?或 Whose diaries are these?They're theirs.2.What would you like as a Hallowen present?I'd like a pumpkin lantern and aMonkey mask.或 A pumpkin lantern and a Monkey mask.3.Mike and I were in different classes.But we are in the same class this year.4.The children picked up a ten-yuan note in the park.

想请人帮我翻译一下这篇日记,我写的,想要翻成英语,交给英语老师当作作业的。 Why will the kind people be bullied?I have a clear conscience.I have done nothing wrong.I only told out the fact to the director.I heard the threatening and angry word.I admit that at the beginning I was aftraid.But the I heard,the less afraid I felt.When I was trapped in the difficulty,I had asked for help from many people.But I am stupid.Who will sacrifice his own benefits?After I experienced a lot of dissappointment,I undertood only I can save myself from the difficulty.I cannot vain hope that a fool will drop his own benefits and save me.I cannot behave cowardly and cannot be a weak girl.I cannot consider a lot and hesitate taking action.I need to join this storm and wait for the rainbow。

《安妮日记》是由谁翻译成英文的? 安妮日记原文是荷兰文。是谁翻译成英文的呢?原文和译文差别多大?

英语翻译 1.How long have you been reading the diary?2.I'll do with the dirty clothes tomorrow.3.Practising running makes me healthier.4.The atmosphere in our town is fresher than others.5.You should care for your grandma as much as possible.6.English is quite widely use in the world.7.That we can do is reading carefully.8.How will you celebrate on Mid-autumn Festival?

请人把她的日记出版的英语翻译 Get her diary published


