我的初中生活之班级篇 作文 我的班级的课外生活作文


范文1:我的课余生活作文450字 我的课余生活丰富多彩,而我最喜欢的是骑自行车。我7岁的时候,就开始练习骑自行车了。每到外婆家,爸爸都教我怎样骑自行车,我一次次摔倒又。

我的初中生活之班级篇 作文 我的班级的课外生活作文


我的初中生活之班级篇 作文 我的班级的课外生活作文

大学班级课外活动 我也特别喜欢给班里策划活动,给你参考一下吧:1、削苹果 看谁的苹果皮最长;2、一个笔画一个猜 这个很经典,但是要好好想题目(比如,媚眼,秋波这样的词语就很。

我的初中生活之班级篇 作文 我的班级的课外生活作文

假如你是李华,是高二某班班长。为了丰富同学们的课外生活,班级准备成立一个自行车俱。 Attention, please, everyone. As senior middle school students, we’ve burdened ourselves with a lot of work. To make ourselves enjoy a colorful life and keep fit through physical exercise, we’ve decided to found a cycling club and organize some activities.We plan to offer basic training once a week, which will be instructed by our PE teacher. It will fall on the third period in the afternoon, when students are having after-class activities.It is desired that you take time to join our club, as it is a great way to keep healthy and a good chance to relax ourselves. What needs to be specifically noted is that the activity is free of charge, but you should bring your bicycle along.Those who have interest can go to the monitor and sign up.That’s all. Thank you

英语作文《我的课余活动》 Some students like to participate actively in after class activities.They think after class activities are an integral part of school life.By going in for such activities,they can learn what they can't learn from books,which will be beneficial to them in the future.Others,however,don't like after class activities at all.They think that a student's work at school is learning theoretical knowledge and nothing else.Taking part in after class activities is a waste of the valuable time at school.In my opinion,every student should engage in some after class activities because from these activities we can learn many valuable things that we won't learn in classrooms.School is not just a place for learning the difference between\"lie\"or\"lay\",or what caused the hours of the daily schedule.Finally,after class activities broaden our circle of acquaintances.No amount of ordinary school work can take the place of friends acquired in the informal familiarities of activities.

班级课外活动作文500字(打羽毛球) 范文参考1:我的课余生活丰富多彩,其中打羽毛球是我最喜欢的一种运动。每到周末,做完作业,妈妈就带我去打羽毛球,而且,每次打完都像刚刚从大海里捞出来一样。一开始学打羽毛球时,羽毛球老是不受控制,妈妈发过来的球不是没打到就是被我拍斜,我又气又急,每次都弄得满头大汗。后来,妈妈说:“不要心急,等球慢慢落下来时,看着球的底部,看准方向再拍。我照着妈妈说的做,果然,慢慢的球听我的指挥了。从此以后我的球技就越练越好,有一次我还打败了妈妈了呢!从那时起打羽毛球成了我最喜欢的一种运动,每次打羽毛球时,我都要求妈妈再多打几局。但是,我现在只会接球,还不怎么会发球,在接下来的时间里我要多多练习发球,使自己的球技越来越棒。打羽毛球既能锻炼我的身体,也能锻炼我的反应能力,真是两全其美。打羽毛球是我最喜爱的课外活动!2、今天下午,我闲得没事,便跟爸爸说:“爸爸,我们下楼去打羽毛球吧!好吗?没想到爸爸一口就答应了,还逗我说:“你会不会打啊,别马上球没发出去反倒自己敲自己!呵呵”我们全副武装,来到楼下,我实际上只是想和爸爸说玩玩的,可是不曾想爸爸还当真了,只有尽力不出破绽了。我和爸爸石头、剪刀、布,我赢了,于是我先。


