我们已然罹难英文诗 求 一首英文诗 we can't all be captains


求 一首英文诗 we can't all be captains Be the best of whatever you areIf you can’t be a pine on the top of the hill,Be a scrub in the valley-But be the bust little scrub by the rill;Be a bush if you can’t be a tree.If you can’t be a bush be a bit of grass,And some highway happier make;If you can’t be a muskie then just be a bass-But the liveliest bass in the lake。We can’t all be captains,we’ve got to be crew,There’s big work to do,and there’s lesser to do,And the task you must do is the near.It isn’t by size that you won or you fail-Be the best of whateever you are。做最好的你如果你不能成为山顶的一棵松,那就做山谷里的一棵小树吧-但要做溪边最好的一棵小树;如果你不能成为一棵小树,那就做小灌木,如果你不能成为小灌木,那就做株小草,做株路边最快乐的小草;如果你不能成为一条大梭鱼,那就做一条小鲈鱼-但要当湖中最具有活力的小鲈鱼。我们不可能都是船长,必须有人当船员,有各种各样的事情在等着我们,有大事,有小事,而你必须做的事你身边的事,决定成败的不是你个头的大小-而是做最一个最好的你。

我们已然罹难英文诗 求 一首英文诗 we can't all be captains

英文诗中的rhyme scheme怎么来判断,比如:street 是a,flow是b, 押韵脚啊 前面street的 eet是a 在后面有另外一个单词 也是以eet结尾同理,ow 当作b,后面再一个以ow结尾 而a,b只是按照英文字母表来排下来,是一个代号

我们已然罹难英文诗 求 一首英文诗 we can't all be captains

我在一首英文诗上面看到“time is like a river…”这句式对吗?

我们已然罹难英文诗 求 一首英文诗 we can't all be captains

求几首简短的英文诗,很优美的那种 纪伯伦的《沙与沫》Sand and Foam by Kahlil Gibran I AM FOREVER walking upon these shores,Betwixt the sand and the foam,The high tide will erase my foot-prints,And the wind will blow away the foam.B.

谁能帮我想一首英文诗,就只用四句.以in the `````of my mind开头······ In the deep recesses of my mind,a great faith is burning all the time.When you ask what it is,I should say you are my eyes.

英文诗一般用什么时态,麻烦哪位好心人快点告诉我 did not know whether he was angrier with Ron or with Dumbledore

一首名人的诗,要英文的,安静一点的,比如泰戈尔,莎士比亚,等等,只要是名人的就行.时间在二到三分钟左右. 我个人最喜欢的2首,一首是著名湖畔派诗人华兹华斯的水仙花.The DaffodilsWilliam WordsworthI wander’d lonely as a cloudThat floats on high o’er vales and hills,When all at once I saw a crowd,A host,of g.

我做到了英文诗I got it还是什么 get it是明白了的意思,不是我做到了.要说我做到了,可以用:I made it/i did it/i'm done都可以

