用英语写 给爸爸的一封信 Dear dad: How are you these days?Do you still fell happy?Summer is coming,and the weather is becoming hotter and hotter.I always turn on the air conditioner,just stay in the study and enjoy computer games.But what about you?Every day,you have to walk in the sun and look at the pool for a long time.If I were you,I could stand it any longer!You work really much!I admire you so much. I know all you did is for me.Ded,trust me,I won't be so naughty.I'll try my best to do well in my study,and leave a good impression to you.Let's word hard together,although we cannot see often. I miss you. Your Son
英语翻译 1.My father is talking on the phone. 2.What is the boy waiting for?3.Tom is staying with his uncle in the second picture. 4.Betty isn't writing a letter.She is doing her homework. 5.Mike wants to buy a toy in the supermarket. Mike wants to go to the supermarket to buy a toy.
英语作文,写给父亲的一封信 Dear dad You raise me up,let me have the life.You are my beloved friends and relatives,as the saying goes:a father's love.Your love as high as a mountain,let me feel warm.Your kindness to me to return,\"who grass-inch heart,return in the apartments!I get dizzy with success you told me not to do so,in my sad for me,wiped away tears,thank you,my dearest father. Dad,I love you. Best wishes 亲爱的2113父亲你养育了我,让我有了生命。5261你是我最挚4102爱的朋友和亲人,俗话说:1653父爱如山。你的爱就像山那么高,让我有了温暖。你对我的恩情难以回报,“谁言寸草心,报答三春晖”!你在我得意忘形时告诫我不能这么做,在我难过时为我擦干眼泪,谢谢你,我最挚爱的爸爸。爸爸,我爱你!最好的祝福
用英语怎么说我父亲正在他的书房里写信 很高兴为您解答 My father is writing a letter in his study
“妈妈在写购物单吗?不,她在在写信给爸爸”的英语怎么说 Is mum writing a shopping list?No,she is writing to dad.
请尽快给你爸爸写信(翻译成英文) 请尽快给你爸爸写信(翻译成英文)Please_your father_you can.write to,soon if
英语给我爸爸写信短语怎么写 write a letter for my dad
英语作文怎么在父亲节上给父亲写信 Dear father, Father’s Day is coming.I’d like to say something to you. You always work hard so that I can receive a better education and live a better life.You are strict with me in my study and help me with my homework.When I fail an exam,you encourage me to be confident and keep trying.When I have trouble in life,you always tell me to be brave and smile at life. You have given me so much,not only in my study but also in my life.Thank you for your deep love.Thank you for all that you have done for me.I love you!I hope you will be healthy and happy forever!Happy Father’s Day!Yours, Li Hua 满意请采纳
我想要些纸,因为我想给我的父母写信,翻译成英文 I need some paper in order to write to my parents
如果用英文给爸爸写信想表达我很爱爸爸,那么怎么写? 你可以写。I love you daddy这是首先的第一句话接下来的你给我一篇中文相关的我才能了解你想要写的内容。
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