英语俚语翻译 自投罗网英文造句


the wrong house 为什么翻译成自投罗网呢 你有没有整个句子,英语里同一个词组在不同语境下有不同翻译

英语俚语翻译 自投罗网英文造句

翻译\ 跑龙套:walk-on马后炮:Monday-morning quarterback无风不起浪:Where there is smoke,there is fire害人虫:pest自投罗网:hurl oneself willingly into the net红光满面:in ruddy health

英语俚语翻译 自投罗网英文造句

英语翻译 1.this is all Greek to me.2.belated action;belated advice;belated effect3.there must be a cause or reason for this4.pest vermin5.walk right into a trap6.in ruddy health

英语俚语翻译 自投罗网英文造句

英语翻译 原文1 吃软不吃硬 2 欺软怕硬 3 粗茶淡饭 4 自投罗网 5 奇花异草 6 害人精译文1 opens to persuasion but not to coercion2 to bully the weak and fearthe strong 3 plain foods4 to walk into a trap5 strange flo.

英语俚语翻译 put nooses round one's own neck。字面意思是什么?还有这个俚语怎么用呢?能详细一些!这个习语的变体是put one's head in the noose。.

英语翻译 Sees both of us to walk in the same placewas asking in my heart whyin own always each dream has you only then you to let me not be able to provide lodging oneselfhoped you see my regardall these are because you because you because faces your me only then to smile happilylikes the sea water flowing in backward the crazy rest not to wantlikely to hug immediately tightens youto place the hand your controla bit faster to ask I in the waitingquestion because one's side you hold my heart to likethoroughly walking into a trap likely can ownnot regret loves you crazilyreckless only for youbut because why I already do prepare the flattery I to be willing youto want to like the attire that obviously doing actuallycare aboutTherefore I make onthe mystical mouth not to say in the heart waits to be inferior to actually to want to go to the seashore with you to look the starwants to draw close to you not to worryI cannot refuse youbecause of me to want with you in the same place

想知道一首英文歌的歌名,歌词里有trouble,trouble,trouble连唱,其他的歌词都不记得了 歌词里有trouble,trouble,trouble连唱的歌曲是《I Knew You Were Trouble》,该歌曲凭借首周超过41万6千份的音乐销量而位居美国公告牌百强单曲榜季军,并于上榜第10周。

