做事花很多时间的英文翻译 英语句子帮我翻译一下 某人花费多长时间做某事?某人花多长时间做某事吗?


我们应该被允许像那样花费时间做事 翻译成英语 We should be allowed to take time and do things like that.

做事花很多时间的英文翻译 英语句子帮我翻译一下 某人花费多长时间做某事?某人花多长时间做某事吗?


做事花很多时间的英文翻译 英语句子帮我翻译一下 某人花费多长时间做某事?某人花多长时间做某事吗?

英语翻译 在这段时间里,我不仅学到了很多在书本中学不到的销售知识,也让我个人更加的成熟和坚强;During this time,I not only learned a lot of books in the school less than sales knowledge,also let me and mature and strong;在实习工作中,当我遇到工作中的困难时,不找借口,找方法.In practice,when I encounter difficulties at work,no excuse,to find a way.曾夜不能寐的思考解决方法,因为我始终相信方法总比困难多;Once awake at night thinking of solutions,because I always believe that the method is better than the difficult;在具体的市场上,曾受到无数次的拒绝和嘲讽,有多少次在深夜里独自一个人发呆,有多少次已经决定卷铺盖离开;In the specific market,had been subjected to numerous rejection and ridicule,how many times in the middle of the night alone in a daze,how many times has decided to pack up and leave;可是第二天又早早的投入到了新的工作当中,因为我始终相信:生命在于坚持,我可以接受失败,但我却拒绝放弃。But the very next day early into the new job,because I always believe:life is to adhere to,I can accept。

做事花很多时间的英文翻译 英语句子帮我翻译一下 某人花费多长时间做某事?某人花多长时间做某事吗?

英语翻译 Working carefully rigorous,a strong sense of responsibilityLearning ability,in shorter time mastering new knowledgeGood time management,a strong sense of planStrong communication skills,good organ.

拜托请帮我翻译一下英文,非常的感谢. The time you living and working in China is not very long.Some people in this country really like playing tricks when they are doing things and do not obey the rules.Therefore you'd better talk to the.

英语句子帮我翻译一下 某人花费多长时间做某事?某人花多长时间做某事吗?

某人做某事花了多长时间翻译为英语 主要有两个词可用,一个是take,一个是spend,还是举例子说明吧1 I spent two days on this project.2 I spent two days in solving this problem.3 It took me two days to solve this problem.4 How long did it take you to solve this problem?5 How many hours did you spend on this project?可以看出来,两个词的用法还是很灵活的,spend后面的on和in的介词选择根据后面是名词还是动名词来决定。

"花时间做某事"英语有哪几种说法?"花钱做某事"呢? 【花时间做某事】1.【take】(cost也行)it take/cost sb some time to do sth2.spendsb spend some time on sth或:sb spend some time(in)doing sth【花钱做某事】1.pend some money(in)doing sth2.it costs.


