至于他的英语 以至于他努力练习足球的英语


他太胖了,以至于他不能跳的用英语说,用,不,太,以至于,表示. He is so fat that he can not jump.(so.that 意思是“如此…以致…”)

至于他的英语 以至于他努力练习足球的英语

会英文的来。 1.As for him2.The most popular3.without music

至于他的英语 以至于他努力练习足球的英语

英语翻译 汉译英处境如此糟糕以至于他在考虑要离开这家公司.(so.that)The situation is so bad that he is planing to leave the company意识到自己不懂他们的语言,他开始用手势跟他们交流.(communicate,gesture,using a V-.

至于他的英语 以至于他努力练习足球的英语

以至于他努力练习足球的英语 您好,翻译为:So that he practised playing football very hard.希望吧办好祝你

英语翻译 1.The boy was asking me questions on the way to the museum.2.I don't know why he is so sad.3.keeping the classroom clean is important.4.The box is too heavy for him to carry.5.I would rather play football than swim.6.The nurses there make me nervous



如此……以至于……的英语怎么说 如此…以至于2113的英文:so.that.so 读法 英[s??]美[so]1、5261adv.如此,这4102么;确是如此2、conj.所以;因此3、pron.这样1653短语:1、ever so 及其,非常2、so do i 我也一样3、so then 原来如此,那么4、in so far as 至于5、so far from 非但不…反而…例句:It was so delicious that my brother and I all liked it.它是如此可口以致于我的兄弟和我都喜欢它。扩展资料一、so的词义辨析:therefore,hence,thus,so,这组词都有“因此,所以”的意思,其区别是:1、therefore 通常指引出一个推断出的必然结论。2、hence 较正式用词,指接下来的东西是理所当然的必需的东西,但强调其重要性。3、thus 多用于书面语中,可与therefore换用。4、so 用于比较随便的场合,口语中多用。二、so的近义词:thusthus 读法 英[e?s]美[e?s]1、adv.因此;从而;这样;如此2、conj.因此短语:1、thus far 迄今;现在为止2、thus much 到这种程度为止;这么多,就这些;到此3、as thus 像这样,就这样;于是

英语翻译 自己翻译的,如下:1 As for how to let him realize his mistakes and correct it,that problem is left to you.I know how to do,but I can’t express it in English.2 Certainly there are not only him need change,I will not enumerate one by one.3 Educations must pick up from child.4 Now,these things are not your patents.5 I firmly believe that news will be very valuable,and it would make a stir all over China,even the Asia6 Perhaps you have thought of what I said,then please forgive a little girl's childish thoughts and act.

他的,他,她的,她,英文咋说 他主格(他):he宾格(他):him物主代词(他的):形容词性 his,名词性 his反身代词(他自己):himself她主格(她):she宾格(她):her物主代词(她的):形容词性 hers,名词性 her反身代词(她自己):herself怎么用?1.主格就是在句子中充当主语成分,如 他很聪明 he is clever/她很漂亮 she is beautiful.2.宾格就是充当动作的承受者,一般跟在动词或介词后面的成分,如 老师喜欢他 teacher likes him(是喜欢的宾语)/你要向她学习 you must learn from her(作学习的宾语).3.物主代词有两种,形容词性的就是后面跟名词的,他的书 his book/她的书 her book,名词性的用法就是 书是他的 this book is his/书是她的 this book is hers(后面不能再跟名词,本身就是名词词性).4.反身代词就是.自己,如:他自学 he teaches himself/她爱自己 she loves herself.


