英语练习题--用宾语从句翻译 1.Do you know whether/if there are pharmacies near there?2 Can you tell me where the lounge is?3 The teacher wanted to know why he went to school late.4 He told me what they were doing.5 I think It's.
阅读短文《迟到以后》 1、短文讲述了我因为起得太晚而迟到了,愧疚的心理使自己进退两难,当最终鼓起勇气去面对时,老师那亲切的话语瞬间激发起了我好好学习的决心的信心.2、自责、担心、紧张、犹豫、坚定、惭愧、决心.3、文中的老师用自己母.
告诉我你今天上学迟到的原因. Tell me the reason that you are late at school today.
脑筋急转弯 1.因为他不在他所住的学校上学 2.手或脚