这两位是你的好朋友吗?用英语怎么说? Are the two your good friends?用英语怎样说我有两个好朋友 I have two good friends.简单介绍自己的两个好朋友maryandjohn英语作文 I have two good friends at school,one is Mary,one is john.They are all my good friends,John her ancient spirit demon,Mary be clever and sensible,let me say to everyone。Mary she is also very beautiful。Big eyes,double fold eyelid,high nose,long hair,looks like a big beauty。Once we take the math problem,the teacher let us do the time,there is a problem,none of us would do,only Mary her in thequestion I want to ask her to do?But look at her so earnestly do I didn't bother her,I was thinking ofproblem,Mary suddenly said a voice I will do,I made a jump,say:\"you how\".She said:\"I thisquestion will do,so happy。You see,to praise this is where mary.How ah,admire admire not Han Ruinan。I John to talk about it,she is sometimes very funny,let me say.On Saturday afternoon I went to play John,see Lu Haiyan also in there,we have to play up there,John suddenly a surprised suddenly said:\"we speak of a dream.\"I said yes and Lu Haiyan chorus.She told us,we hear half legs tremble not line,until 。我的两位好朋友给我们唱了一些英文歌。翻译。 My two best friends sing us some songs.哪位英语好的朋友能帮我翻译下这两个字吗? 奚落:taunt/tease我的两位好朋友想为他们的妈妈买礼物英语 最好别送 感觉送给长辈 不能是这么孩子气的东西吧。妈妈这个年纪。有些时尚的 可以胸针 项链 珍珠什么的。也不是很贵、朴素的 可以选择一些家用的东西。。
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