外地人的眼中成都是怎么的? 我眼中是成都


英语翻译 In my eyes,firstly,Chengdu is a large developing modern city.As the center of the politics、economics and culture in Chinese western area,it play an important role in the construction of region economics and city development in our country.She has advanced traffic tools and intensive traffic network and rich tourism resources,which becoming the Chinese famous traveling city and transport hub;she owns many international advanced enterprises,and technology development zone,which become the backbone of Chinese backbone.What’s She represents a special culture,that is leisure.She looks like a pretty gentle lady,which makes people enjoy themselves.In this place,people seem to have plenty time to play and everything becomes simple.Drinking some beer in the night,eating some spicy and hot food,playing cards and mahjong with friends,having a cup of tea,making Longmeng array,this is the life in Chengdu,and this is the particular leisure culture.This is also a place where to eat delicious 。

外地人的眼中成都是怎么的? 我眼中是成都

在成都或来过成都的朋友,你眼中的成都是怎么样的一个城市呢? 在成都待了四年,在我眼里,成都是一个喝茶、打麻将、吃火锅的城市。所有的工作是为了更好的做以上三项。

外地人的眼中成都是怎么的? 我眼中是成都

你眼中的成都是怎样的? 成都是四川省会,有近一千五百多万人口,城市人口近六百多万。成都是一个即古老而又现代化的城市,六十年代前,成都是一个消费城市,没有什么工业,随着三线建设工业的迁移,东郊有了成批的工业入住,改革开放和开发西部后,引入了门类较多的企业,公司,分部。促进了成都发展。但是在城市建设上比北上广深和沿海发达城市还有一定的差距。在发展中的成都总结自己的不足,学习先进城市的理念,不断状大,管理好这个城市,让人们生活水平不断提高。

外地人的眼中成都是怎么的? 我眼中是成都


