英语翻译题. 英文翻譯題


英语翻译题 1.那个留着长长的金色卷发的女孩是谁?who is the girl with long golden curly hair?2 玛丽长什么样?她个头适中,长相好看what does mary look like?she is neither too tall nor too short,and is good-looking.3 这个孩子有点儿不爱说话this child does not like talking.4 我们的数学老师有了新的形象our mathematics teacher has had a new visualize.5 你能记得带一本漫画书给我吗?could you(remember to)take a comic book for me?6 你能记得带一本漫画书给我吗?today's special dinner:dumpling with beef and onion.10 dumplings just for 5 yuan.7 我的朋友爱讲笑话,并且老爱开我玩笑my friend likes joking,especially joking on me.

英语翻译题. 英文翻譯題

英语翻译题. 1.he was embarrassed about his mistake.2.She began to make up her face.3.It is good of you to help us regularly.4.i was give my little daughter a surprise yesterday.

英语翻译题. 英文翻譯題

英语翻译 题 不管遗产是什么我们时间eill的塔尔羊美国人离开,我们将无可置疑是标记bu我们历史中最奇怪事实之一:那物质,一次懂得为人满足使绝大部分成为差异被坦然对待,和一次是平庸,懂得物质有有关我们注意最伟大要求.我们能在我们接近家庭中非常清楚明白这个.Dicoce有成为所以在我们社会那a整个知识中流行的事物已经向上在它周围高涨,;that分离是一临时危机;这样多的孩子已经感受那个他们的parents”分离那孩子如今不非常关于它;that打扰事实上它制造东西easier.,和它它自己一仅仅是关于仪式的通路;那父母的感觉起来是较好,那样chidren希望.已经花费她生活研究和劝告经受分离家庭的朱迪思Wallerstein削尖向a这样晚宴-想法amout设定的为向末端婚姻越来越共用决定理性化的在野派平稳那些incolving孩子.In她多产研究和写作右手击球员的左后方场地科目.Wallerstein已经几乎单独一人地爆破认为神话是事实在附近分离.她的强大和提议讯问科目和它最新书存在a将去被对什么使一些婚姻和一些家庭经过任何人,设法决定是否首先结婚与其他的-相比更好些的确做得这么多有兴趣任何人阅读.每一个美国人能朗诵统计量:从每出来两次婚礼大约一将末尾是分离.但是不每人能欣赏在数后面人苦难的程度。.

英语翻译题. 英文翻譯題

英语翻译题 1.这件衣服我穿太小了this suit is too small for me.2.我们先去看看企额吧。这是我第一次看企鹅let's see the penguin first.this is the first time I see the penguin.3.那头狮子哪来的?它是来自非洲where is that lion from?it is from Africa.4他为什么那么喜欢熊猫?因为它们非常逗人喜爱.why does he like pandas so much?Because they are very cute.5.树袋熊很有趣,而且还有点聪明koala bears are very interesting,and kind of smart.6.他和各种各样的人交朋友he makes friends with all kinds of people.7.难道你不喜欢音乐吗?不,我喜欢don't you like music?yes,I like.8.你看到房间里有其它什么东西吗?Did you see any other things in the room?9.如果明天下雨,我就不出去散步了If it rains tomorrow,I will not go out for a walk10.他们彼此之间很友好,但是对其他人不友好they are kind to each other,but they are not friendly to others.11.他每天很晚才能去睡觉,但是很快就能睡着he sleeps late everyday,but he falls asleep very soon.12.马莉的妈妈是干什么的?what does Mary's mother do?13.有时候,我想出去吃饭sometimes,I want 。

英语翻译题 1、我没有足够的睡眠I don't have enough sleep.2、我没有足够的时间做回家作业I don't have enough time to do my homework.3、吃得太多使你不健康Eating too much makes you unhealthy.4、跑步和游泳对你有好处Running and swimming are good for you.5、我想知道如何解决它I want to know how to solve it.6、目前画画是我最喜爱的业余爱好At the moment,painting is my favourite hobby.7、认真学习并按时上交作业社很重要的It is very important to work hard and hand in my homework on time.8、作业上花费了如此多的时间,以致我找不出时间用于我的爱好I spend so much time doing my homework that I cannot find any time for my hobbies.9、我只是不能决定何时做作业,何时花时间在我的业余爱好上I just cannot decide when to do my homework and when to spend time on my hobbies.10、你能教我如何在这两者之间获得平衡吗?Can you please teach me how to achieve a balance between the two?11、对 热爱现在已经变成了大问题My love of football has become a big problem now.12、我们喜欢待在外面踢足球到很晚We like staying out late。

英文翻译题 1.作为外国人,他无法与当地人交流(翻译出no way)Being a foreigner,he had no way of communicating with the local people.2.她已经三个多月没有收到儿子的来信了,她非常担心他的安全(翻译出concern)Since she hasn’t received any letter from her son for over three months,she is deeply concerned about his safety.3.任何与斯潘塞小姐相关的事情,这些小男孩都很感兴趣(翻译出concern)These little boys are interested in anything that is concerned with Miss Spencer.4.我们都认为他是这一地段最风趣幽默的人(翻译出think of)We all thing of him as the most interesting and humorous person in the neighbourhood5.她的演唱极大地促进了晚会的成功(翻译出contribute to)Her singing contributed greatly to the success of the party.如果满意,请记得 点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,(*_^)谢谢~.


