谁有音乐家海顿的英文简介,就是用英文介绍海顿什么出生啊个人简历啊代表作品啊 Franz Joseph HaydnFranz Joseph Haydn,(March 31 or April 1,1732 – May 31,1809)was a leading composer of the Classical period,called the\"Father of the Symphony\"and\"Father of the String Quartet\".Although he has come to be popularly known as\"Franz Joseph Haydn\"(with many published scores and recordings using this full name),Haydn used his second name much of his life,spelling it in German as\"Josef\"and signing letters and documents as\"Josef Haydn\".约瑟夫·海顿在古典音乐时期是一个优秀的作曲家,被称为“交响乐之父”和“弦乐四重奏曲之父”.尽管他大家都熟知的全名是弗朗兹·约瑟夫·海顿,但是他较常用“约瑟夫·海顿”这个名字.A life-long resident of Austria,Haydn spent most of his career as a court musician for the wealthy Eszterházy family on their remote estate.Being isolated from other composers and trends in music until the latter part of his long life,he was,as he put it,\"forced to become original\".In his older age,he was revered throughout Europe,journeyed to perform concerts in Paris and 。
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音乐陶冶人的情操,是人类重要的文明成果. (1)贝多芬是德国伟大的音乐家,古典乐派的终结者和浪漫乐派的开拓者,代表作《英雄交响曲》,热情颂扬法国大革命时期拿破仑的英雄业绩,是交响乐历史中里程碑式的作品.(2)20世纪三四十年代,中华民族处在危亡关头,聂耳投身于抗日洪流中,以其卓越的音乐才能,创作了大量振奋民族精神的救亡歌曲,其《义勇军进行曲》,极大地激发了中华民族的抗战意志,迅速传遍祖国大地,并远播海外.(3)冼星海的《黄河大合唱》,以气势恢宏的旋律,发出中华民族英勇抗战的怒吼,震撼了一代中国人的心扉.故答案为:(1)德国.(2)聂耳.(3)黄河大合唱.