“我认为和他争吵没有用”怎么翻译成英文 你应该主动提出不和他争吵用英语怎么说


“我认为和他争吵没有用”怎么翻译成英文 I think it's no use to quarrel with him.

“我认为和他争吵没有用”怎么翻译成英文 你应该主动提出不和他争吵用英语怎么说


“我认为和他争吵没有用”怎么翻译成英文 你应该主动提出不和他争吵用英语怎么说

儿子和我吵架后,一礼拜也不和我说话,我该怎么办??主动和他说话吗?也许是我不该打他那一巴掌 主动和他讲话,孩子也不容易

“我认为和他争吵没有用”怎么翻译成英文 你应该主动提出不和他争吵用英语怎么说

英语翻译 In every quarrel we've had I used to keep silent because I was very sure that you wouldcalm down under minutes,and you always did.I'm about to do it again,butstill hope you could catch my heart-broken words before I lose you forever.I still remember what you did on me before so many strangers that night.Do you know how embarrassing it was for meMaybe you did it mindlessly and took it for granted,BUT.Didn't you really know that I was being hurt by you?And,didn't you really know why I kept waiting that night instead of rushing out?I was just hoping for your calming down as usual and holding me into arms.Finally,wish you could think it over,and phone me at any time.Sorry couldn't bear to call you this moment,for I have to live with respect too.Anyhow I'll be waiting for you here.The door-key is attached.翻得不好,请见谅.

英语翻译 Article tells us,when we and parents fight,there are three solutions to talk,and share common interests,writingAccording to what I have seen,in order to have good relationship with their parents,.

In life,we should get along with others.在生活中,我们应该与他人友好相处.My suggestion is:should the polite greetings when we meet strangers,when the quarrel with our friends,to take the initiative to admit mistakes,when others to help us,we should take the initiative to thank him.我的建议是:当我们遇到陌生人时应该礼貌的打招呼,当我们和朋友发生争吵时,要主动承认错误,当别人帮助我们时,我们应该主动感谢他.In a word,we should smile to everyone.总之,我们应该微笑面对每个人.

\ I don't wanna quarrel with her any

英语翻译你应该主动提出不和她争吵. You should propose initiatively not to quarrel with her.


翻译句子:首先,你要面带微笑。其次,遇到同学要主动打招呼。然后,要懂得谦让,不和他人发生争吵。最后 the sentence:first of all,you have to smile.Secondly,meet the students to take the initiative to greet.Then,to understand humility,not to quarrel.Finally,to sincerely treat each person.

