英语翻译 1.Every year around the Mid-autumn Day,the tide of the Qianjiang River reaches its highest,which can be as high as several meters and very spectacular。2.The bridge and the lake are so crowded with people that it's even hard to walk across,which affect the emotion of our seeing the view or less.3.By the way,an elevator has been installed in the Leifeng Tower after the rennovation which I find quite funny.4.Later we went to Jiaxing,a beautiful water town,in the South Of the YangziRiver with full of transquility,peace and history
“顺便说一下”用英语怎么说 顺便说一下by the wayBy the way.
翻译一个短句 by the way
顺便一提”用英语怎么翻译? by the way.
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