在老人之家.英语翻译. in the home for the aged/the old in the aged home
英语翻译 八年级下册人教版英语书unit 2 we are making some plans to work inan old people' home when i see theanimals get better,i get such a strong felling of satisfaction We will give out the money from the sal.
英语翻译:我想自愿在老年之家工作,在我的空闲时间里,我想多学习与老年人怎样交流,学会了就到老年之家 I want to work voluntarily in the old house,in my spare time,I want to learnhow to communicate with the elderly,learned to a home for the elderly,so Ivolunteered to help the elderly,their life is very lonely 望采纳
英语翻译:我想自愿在老年之家工作,在我的空闲时间里,我想多学习与老年人怎样交流,学会了就到老年之家 I want to work voluntarily in the old house,in my spare time,I want to learnhow to communicate with the elderly,learned to a home for the elderly,so ...
老年之家用英语怎么说 old people's home 同学您好,如果问题已解决,记得右上角采纳哦~您的采纳是对我的肯定~谢谢哦
我正在制定这个周末去老年之家工作的一些计划的英文是什么? 我正在制定这个周末去老年之家工作的一些计划的英文是I'm making some plans to work in an elderly home this weekend
你可以在老年人之家教英语 You can teach at The Elder Center. 我觉得还是将老年人翻译成Elder比较好~
老年之家用英语怎么说呢?是The old people's home还是old people's 老年之家用英语怎么说呢?是The old people's home还是old people's home?有没有the?共4个回答 张达人zhdr LV.20 2018-04-22 关注 最好翻译为 club for aged people,...
老年之家 用英语说 old people's home
英语翻译 1.That company's general manager of our products very satisfactory.2.I have often walk out after dinner.3.We would like to have some employment experienced workers.4.As mentioned above,we should pay attention to the health of the elderly.5.When I arrived there,I stopped at an open-air cafe to drink a cup of coffee.6.You people are not satisfied with the service.7.You will soon work here customary environment.8.Teaching is her career.9.We should have a theory with practice capacity.10.I want to explore second-hand cars,because it will be cheaper. 二.英译中 1.In my eyes,this is not a difficult math problem.在我看来,这不是一道困难的数学题 2.As the chinese saying goes,each family has its own trouble.正像中国人说的那样,每个家庭都各自的烦恼. 3.With a good book in our hands we need never be lonely.能有一本好书在手里,那么我们就从来不会感到孤单. 4.He means to finish the task,one way or another.他的意思是完成任务,而无论用哪种方式. 5.The goverment hopes to better the conditions of...
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