英语翻译 目的不明确 英语


缺乏明确目标,对自己定位不明确,谁知道用英语怎么说, Lack of a specific target.(或:Lack of specific targets)(target可用aim/goal代替)Lack of a definite self-positioning.

明确的目标用英语怎么说 明确的目标的英文:2113clear objective一、clear英5261[kl??(r)]美[kl?r]adj.明确的;清澈的;清楚的,明白的;清晰的,明亮的adv.完全4102地1653;清晰地;整整二、objective英[?b?d?ekt?v]美[?b?d??kt?v]adj.目标的;客观的,实体的;[语]宾格的;[医]他觉的n.目标,任务;[光]物镜;[语]宾语,宾格;[事]出击目标1、This would be a targeted strike to achieve a clear objective:deterring the use of chemical weapons,and degrading Assads capabilities.这将是为达到一个明确目标而进行的有针对性的打击:防止使用化学武器,削弱阿萨德的能力。2、In my12 years of age,I already have a clear objective,that is,when they grow up to become a costume designer.在我十二岁的时候,我已经有了明确的目标,那就是长大后要成为一名服装设计师。扩展资料词义辨析:target、objective、end1、target指试图达到的目标、指标:Set yourself targets that you can reasonably hope to achieve.给自己制订有望达到的指标。2、objective指正努力达到的目标、目的:What is the main objective of this project?这个项目的主要目标是什么?3、。

go to shool 指去学校上学; go to the school 指去学校(目的不明确); 那么“去看电影”到底是:go to cinema,还是 go to the cinema呢? go to the cinema这是固定词组,必须加the,跟school的用法无关希望我的回答能够帮到你,望采纳。祝你学习进步,天天快乐.O(∩_∩)O

英语翻译 是的.或者这样翻译:他们想(进一步)确认/表明,他们不会毫无目的/无任何报酬地去做这件事.

“我们开了一次会议,但会议的目的并不明确” 请把这句话用英文翻译 We held a meeting,but the purpose of the meeting is not clear

英语翻译 翻译如下【摘要】[note]目的 Aim 明确护理质量管理的指导思想,建立科学的质量管理体系.We should make it clear that establishing the guideline of quality management and scientifisc system of quality mana.

英语翻译 As a kind of economic negotiations,business negotiation is to obtain a clear economic benefits as the basic purpose of the meeting under the premise of economic interests were involved in other non-ec.


英语翻译 the purpose of the two companies are very specific.That is to attain to the maximization of enterprise profits.我这个敢保是百分百正确和地道的


