警察抓小偷的游戏小学生作文 quot 警察捉小偷 quot 作文


警察捉小偷 作文 一天沉重的学习过去以后了,终于可以香喷喷地睡上一觉。因为今天没有带矿泉水回学校,所以在做梦的时候我走进了非洲的撒哈拉大沙漠(世界最大)里,真是莫名其妙,连梦里都要渴死我呀!当我的最后一瓶水喝.

我的课余生活警察抓小小偷作文 拿六张纸条,分别写上“国王”、“打手”、“大臣”、“百姓”、“警察”和“小偷”。游戏规则是:“警察”抓“小偷”,“大臣”数50个数,“百姓”通报时间,“国王”负责审问,“打手”负责处罚。如果“警察”没在限定时间内抓到“小偷”,“警察”挨“打手”的打,打多少下由“大臣”来定,一般不得超过10下。第一轮,爸爸把纸条往空中一抛,我赶快去捡,打开一看,不好,是“小偷”!我撒腿就跑,“警察”在后面穷追不舍,忽然,“百姓”大喊一声“时间到。那个倒霉的“警察”被“打手”打了三下手心。第二轮开始,第一轮的“国王”来扔纸条,我又是第一个捡到地上的纸条。好家伙!上面写着“国王”两个方方正正的大字。50秒过后,“小偷”被押了过来,我指着他的鼻子说:“大胆小偷,该当何罪?结果他被“打手”重重地刮了四下鼻子。第三轮还是我当“国王”,这次警察没有抓到小偷,我说:“大胆警察,玩忽职守,该当何罪?他便被打了一下手心。

警察抓小偷的游戏小学生作文 哈哈。抓着了。“没抓着我!呵呵呵.”听,是什么声音?原来,是“警察”在抓“小偷”呢!老师让我们分成了两组,我是先来的那一组的,我的心怦怦直跳。只有一个人是“警察”。

求警察抓小偷的一篇英语作文,急急急!!!悬赏可追加! The other day I was walking on the street,stalking a young man who was a few steps ahead of me.I followed him because it had been quite a while that he'd been staring at a woman who carried a handbag with her.As a detective,I soon realized that this strange young man,much probobaly,is a thief.Then I followed him all along and apparently he was not aware of my presense,as he was focused on his\"job.About 10 minutes later,it seemed like that the young man lost his patience already,and he finally began to do the bad deed.I walked a few steps nearer to him,and just at the moment he reached out his hand to the innocent lady's open handbag,I grabbed his arm and shouted out loud\"You little pethetic man。get out of here right now before I call the police.He was given a quite fright and of course ran off quickly.

