可再生能源优点英语 用英语说一下可再生能源的特点


可再生能源 优缺点 英文 Solar energy into other can speed.Use value high,an inexhaustible,tiny pollution.The disadvantage expensive.Wind power an inexhaustible,low cost,tiny faults turbine noise pollution is limited by regionWater for water and air pollution little flaw is limited by region dam will influence ecological environmentGeothermal energy is an inexhaustible,no pollution faults is limited by region agree with 33|comment(2)太阳能 转化成其它能速度快.利用价值高,用之不竭,污染极小.缺点 费用昂贵.风能 用之不竭,成本低,污染极小 缺点 涡轮噪音大受地域限制水能 对水和空气污染小 缺点 受地域限制水坝会影响生态环境地热能 用之不竭,没有污染 缺点 受地域限制赞同

可再生能源优点英语 用英语说一下可再生能源的特点

用英语说一下可再生能源的特点 Renewable resourceA natural resource is a renewable resource if it is replaced by natural processes and if replenished with the passage of time.Renewable resources are part of our natural environment and form our eco-system.In 1962,within a report to the committee on natural resources which was forwarded to the President of the United States,Paul Weiss defined Renewable Resources as:\"The total range of living organisms providing man with food,fibers,drugs,etc.\".Renewable resources are endangered by industrial developments and growth.They must be carefully managed to avoid exceeding the natural world's capacity to replenish them.A life cycle assessment provides a systematic means of evaluating renewability.This is a matter of sustainability in the natural environment.

可再生能源优点英语 用英语说一下可再生能源的特点


可再生能源优点英语 用英语说一下可再生能源的特点

我们将能源分为两种:可再生能源和不可再生能源,(翻译成英文) 可再生能源 renewable resources不可再生资源 nonrenewable resources

可再生能源 优缺点 英文 Solar energy into other can speed.Use value high,an inexhaustible,tiny pollution.The disadvantage expensive.Wind power an inexhaustible,low cost,tiny faults turbine noise pollution is limited by regionWater for water and air pollution little flaw is limited by region dam will influence ecological environmentGeothermal energy is an inexhaustible,no pollution faults is limited by region agree with 33|comment(2)太阳能 转化成其它能e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e78988e69d8331333330333662速度快.利用价值高,用之不竭,污染极小.缺点 费用昂贵.风能 用之不竭,成本低,污染极小 缺点 涡轮噪音大受地域限制水能 对水和空气污染小 缺点 受地域限制水坝会影响生态环境地热能 用之不竭,没有污染 缺点 受地域限制赞同


