少出门多运动的英文 怎么就开始担心呢?


英语翻译 You should wear sunglasses to go out when(这个如果应该翻译成when)it's shining brightly outside.I dislike magzines as they are too boring.Thequestion is too difficult for anyone to answer.OR the ques.

少出门多运动的英文 怎么就开始担心呢?

怎么就开始担心呢? 我在婆婆家,出了门谁都不认识,所以也懒得出,天天吃了就躺床上,连家务都没做过,唯一的运动恐怕就是上厕所了~

少出门多运动的英文 怎么就开始担心呢?

我基本不出门运动英文 我基本不出门运动 I don't go out of the house 我基本不出门运动 I don't go out of the house。在选择减肥方法时应以物理减肥和减少饮食为主。不应该以口服药物为主。。

少出门多运动的英文 怎么就开始担心呢?

运动好还是不运动好?为什么? 如果不是特殊情况时候身体不能动,其他时候,身体可以动,那么运动比不运动好。通常情况,运动可以改善身体素质,提升体能,增强免疫力,抵抗衰老,等等。。

求一篇关于雾霾的英语作文80词左右要有不出门少开窗,饮食清淡多喝水,戴口罩,勤洗手脸, Last months several places in Beijing were blanketed with thick yellow fog.Everything around disappeared from oursight.Some highways were closed.Traffic jams were commonly seen in the street.Many people,especially children and seniors,even found it difficult to breath.As a result,local hospitals were crowd with people who had problems with noses and lungs.Part of the cause was the dry weather,but the severely damaged environment contributed a lot to this nightmare.Personally I don't get many health problems in the haze because I stayed mostly indoors.But to make a significant chance we really have to do protect our environment.To live a better life we have to push on with the economy,but it would be meaningless if we have to achieve it at the cost of our breathing air

我们应该多做运动来保持健康。翻译英文 我们应该多做运动来保持健康。英文:We should take exercise to keep fit。或者:We should do exercise to stay healthy. 做运动 英文:take exercises

尽量少出门英文怎么说? 尽量少出门英文可以表达为Try to go out as little as possibleyou should avoid going out too much

【急】求一篇英语作文. Dear Jerry:You often play comeputer games all day.It's bad for your health.and you never do some sports,you must do sports beause It can make you have a heathly body,and make your family happy to s.


