那位高手可以给我介绍云南大理的英文介绍 Dali is a city in Yunnan province in the south of China,located on a fertile plateau between the Cangshan mountains to the west and Erhai lake to the east.It has traditionally been settled by Bai and Yi minority.It is also the capital of the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture.Dali is the ancient capital of both the Bai kingdom Nanzhao,which flourished in the area during the 8th and 9th centuries,and the Kingdom of Dali,which reigned from 937-1253.Dali was also the center of the Panthay Rebellion from 1856-1863.Dali is also famous for the many types of marble it produces,which are used primarily in construction and for decorative objects.In fact,Dali is so famous for the stone that the name of marble in Chinese is literally\"Dali Stone\"(Chinese:大理石;pinyin:dali shi).Dali is now a major tourist destination,along with Lijiang,for tourists from both within and outside China.Dali is one of Yunnan's most popular tourist destinations,both for its historic sites and the\"Foreigners' Street。谁能给我一个英语短文,汉译英,关于云南的, Yunnan is a beautiful province located in the southwestern China,with its capital of Kunming.It is dotted with scenic spots with the following landscape at the core:Yulong Snow Mountain of Lijiang,Stone Forest,The Old Town of Lijiang which belongs to the World Cultural Heritage,Lugu Lake,Cangshan Mountain and Erhai Lake,Three Parallel Rivers,Shangri-La,Yulong Snow Mountain,Xishuangbanna,Geothermic Volcanos in Tengchong,The Grand Canyon and Hot Spring Ecological Scenic Spot in Western Zhaotong City.It also has many festivals with distinct local features such as Huashan Festival(Miao Minority),Third Month Fair(Bai Minority),Munao Dancing Party(Jingpo Minority)and Raosanling(Bai Minority).英语翻译 西:向西 文水西流:文水向西边流去负通假字,负通覆拟人化的一种用法苍山负雪,明烛天南:青山上覆盖着白雪,雪光照亮了南面的天空.明:照明火尚足以明也:火把还能够继续照明英语翻译 My dreamland will be Dali in the Chinese province of Yunnan.Dali is said to be a heavenly place.Many people went there and decided to stay there forever.The ancient city of Dali was built up in Ming D.
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