英语翻译 水乡城市 英文


江南水乡的英语怎么说 江南水乡[词典copy]the south of the lower reaches of the Yangze River;[例句]美丽的江南水乡&嘉兴是一个有着许多传奇和神zhidao话的城市。Jiaxing,a beautiful water city in the river south,is filled with manifold legends and myths.

英语翻译 Lijiang lijiang ancient city with a long history,of primitive simplicity picturesque,with the water permit,the mountain city appearance,the city have water,the mountains have city,city mountain in harmony,and a landscape,road freedom,street deep,along the river,willows breeze water.Here many historical and cultural legacy.There were famous temple that is WenFengSi lijiang seven countries,fu temple,the jade peak temple,mountain.analysis,refers to the cloud temple,XingHua temple,spirit as temple and north YueMiao,white sands ancient building group,three holy house,longquan temple.It will be clear culture in the central plain and local ethnic culture and the combination of Tibetan culture characteristic of influence.In China's such a big place,lijiang is unique,on the one hand you can minimal information in the romantic affair of the brilliant day,and at the same time you can very comfort myself said he came to shangri-la a legend is a paradise places.How many young people are confused 。

中国哪些城市是水乡 中国人所说的“水乡”,一般是指“江南水乡”。中国的江南,大体上是指浙江,上海,安徽和江苏长江以南地区,主要城市包括上海,南京,杭州,绍兴,苏州,无锡等地。江南地区因为温暖的环境,充沛的降水,江河湖泊星罗棋布,历来是中国最富足的鱼米之乡,形成了不同于北方的“江南水乡”风韵,体现在生活,文化,建筑,物产等各个方面。江南十大水乡古镇十大水乡古镇第一名:周庄-神州第一水乡(江苏·苏州)十大水乡古镇第二名:西塘-梦里的水乡古镇(浙江·嘉兴)十大水乡古镇第三名:同里-东方威尼斯(江苏·苏州)十大水乡古镇第四名:乌镇—最具文化气息的水乡古镇(浙江·嘉兴)十大水乡古镇第五名:甪(lu)直—难记的名字,难忘的古镇(江苏·苏州)十大水乡古镇第六名:南浔-曾经最富庶的江南古镇(浙江·湖州)十大水乡古镇第七名:木渎-吴文化的聚宝盆(江苏·苏州)十大水乡古镇第八名:朱家角-掩映在现代都市下的古镇(上海)十大水乡古镇第九名:光福—香雪海的故乡(江苏·苏州)十大水乡古镇第十名:安昌-感受绍兴民俗的最佳场所(浙江·绍兴)

江南水乡用英语怎么说 江南水乡英文翻译:thesouthofthelowerreachesoftheYangzeRiver重点词汇释义:Southof:在…之南lowerreaches:下游YangtzeRiver:长江双语例句:Located?in?the?south?of?。

江南水乡指的是哪些城市? 长江以南被统称为江南,水乡在苏杭地区很普遍,出名的有周庄,同里,千灯,南寻,路直,锦溪,木渎,乌镇等等

世界上有哪些著名水乡城镇、城市? 威尼斯2113在意大利东北部,全城以5261一条长45公里的运河为“主街”、177条水道为“支4102街”,加上2300条水巷,428座桥梁,成为1653世界水域之都。阿姆斯特丹是荷兰首都,城内有100多个小岛,100多条运河,1000多座桥梁。河水四通八达,游艇无处不到。斯德哥尔摩号称“北欧的威尼斯”,为瑞典首都,它东濒波罗的海,西连海拉伦湖,有15个小岛,岛间水道、桥梁密布,连成一片。苏州我国水城苏州,又称“东方威尼斯”。城内水巷错杂、桥梁数百座,连接着具有中国特色的园林200多处。

英语翻译 I like the feeling of Jiangnan Water Village,and so on to a friend Zhujiajiao.But I was disappointed that it did not as I imagined-on both sides of the streets full of shops selling native products,while walking to eat everyone,it seems that they come here just to eat or shopping.I then quickly out of the streets,came to the river,a stone bridge Yingru my eye,have forgotten its name.It is said that because Zhujiajiao bridge is famous for its variety of large and small,different shapes of the stone bridge,this is the feeling of some of the ancient town.On the bridge,scenic panoramic view of the two sides-a boat on the River boatman skilled in the operation of the shuttle back down,residents in the riverside chat play…very satisfactory.I like the town,because there is not the product,but want to feel the kind of quiet outside the city.

