英语翻译 I felt tiredly,incapable continuation.How love don't you still understand me to want,You still stick to one's own way of doing things,does not payattention to my feeling I endured too have been m.
我行我素,无所不能用英语怎么说 Do as I want to,and i can do everything
我行我素 用英文怎么说 我行我素wǒ xíng wǒ sù[释义]行:做。素:平素。不管人家怎样说;仍旧按照自己平素的一套去做。[语出]清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》:“他夫妇二人还是毫无闻见;依旧是我行我素。[正音]行;不能读作“hánɡ”。[辨形]素;不能写作“速”。[近义]依然故我 刚愎自用[反义]言听计从[用法]多用于表示自行其是。一般作谓语、宾语、定语。[结构]主谓式。[辨析]见“刚愎自用”(335页)。[例句]①对于上级指示;甚至阳奉阴违;必然会犯错误。②他做事主观;又不肯接受同志意见;终于给工作造成了损失。[英译]have one’s own way
我行我素 用英文怎么说 persist one's old wayspersist my own way
英语翻译 我是一个我行我素的人,从来没什么人影响到我的想法。哪种翻译最好?为什么? i think D is better.firstly,it shows the original meaning of the chinese,and then,it's just natural.and i also think:the second part:and no body can ever affect meis better than affect my ways of thinkingas there is a\"my own way\"in the first part.