勤洗手少出门的英语 保持个人卫生、勤洗手用英语怎么说


我觉得应该勤洗手,少出门,少聚会用英语怎么说? —英文:I think we should wash our hands frequently,go out less,and have fewer parties.或 I think we should wash our hands frequently,go out less and get together less.

勤洗手少出门的英语 保持个人卫生、勤洗手用英语怎么说

英语翻译 1.尽量呆在家里,少去人多的地方Stay at home as much as possible,don't go to places have too many people often.2.勤洗手,讲卫生Washs your hands thoroughly,observe sanitation.3.多开窗,保持空气新鲜Keep the windows open,ensure flow of fresh air.4.多吃水果蔬菜Eat fruits and vegetables.

勤洗手少出门的英语 保持个人卫生、勤洗手用英语怎么说

求一篇关于雾霾的英语作文80词左右要有不出门少开窗,饮食清淡多喝水,戴口罩,勤洗手脸,谢谢 Last months several places in Beijing were blanketed with thick yellow fog.Everything around disappeared from oursight.Some highways were closed.Traffic jams were commonly seen in the street.Many people,especially children and seniors,even found it difficult to breath.As a result,local hospitals were crowd with people who had problems with noses and lungs.Part of the cause was the dry weather,but the severely damaged environment contributed a lot to this nightmare.Personally I don't get many health problems in the haze because I stayed mostly indoors.But to make a significant chance we really have to do protect our environment.To live a better life we have to push on with the economy,but it would be meaningless if we have to achieve it at the cost of our breathing air

勤洗手少出门的英语 保持个人卫生、勤洗手用英语怎么说

勤洗手用英语怎么说? 英文:Wash your hands frequently词汇分析5261frequently,英['fri?kw?ntli],美['fri?kw?ntli]adv.频繁地;4102经常地Wash,英[w??],美[wɑ??]n.洗;洗1653涤v.洗;洗涤;洗清过去式:washed 过去分词:washed 现在分词:washing 第三人称单数:washeswash可用作不及物动词,当主语是人时,指洗手、脸等;当主语是织物或布料时,指耐洗、经洗、不易掉色等,这时主动形式含有被动意义。扩展资料:frequently近义词:often,英['?fn],美['??fn]adv.经常;时常;屡次often的基本意思是“常常,经常”,主要修饰动词,也可修饰其他副词或形容词,指某件事情在不同场合下屡次发生,具体的时间意味不强。有时often还表示“在许多场合下”。可用于一般时态,也可用于完成体。例句:I often take my children to play in the park.我经常带我的孩子们去公园玩。

你应该勤洗手,讲卫生,多做运动和多吃水果和蔬菜,还要多一些外出游玩,放松心情的英文翻译是什么吖 You should wash your hands,talk about health,do exercise and eat fruits and vegetables,to go out to play,relax

保持个人卫生、勤洗手用英语怎么说 Please remember to wash your hands regularly and maintain personal hygiene

勤洗手,用英语怎么说 Wash your hands often


勤洗手多通风的顺口溜有哪些? 顺口溜:1、要警惕,2113莫恐慌,勤洗手5261,戴口罩,别乱摸,多通风,不扎4102堆,少闲逛,多锻炼,重营养1653,不舒服,早发现,若接触,还发热,发热门诊去就诊。对医生,不隐瞒,放轻松,遵医嘱,你我他,齐防护,好心情才能赢。2、新流感,易传染,发热咳嗽像感冒,勤洗手,常通风,人多不去凑热闹,肉煮熟,才能吃,七十一度灭病毒,卫生习惯记心间,可防可控不可怕。3、预防事儿先做好,这种疾病不用慌。遇到病人带口罩,人多不去凑热闹,如果发热生了病,及时要把医院上。一日三餐营养好,猪肉照样可以尝,居住房间通风畅,衣被常洗照太阳。双手都要洗清爽,病毒难以近身旁,预防妙招尽知晓,疾病不能逞凶狂。预防呼吸道传染病顺口溜春季防病真重要,天气变化防感冒;食醋薰蒸常消毒,房间通风勤清扫;流行期间少串门,合理营养多运动;体弱年少打疫苗,身体不适早治疗;空余之时多学习,保健知识要记牢;劳逸结合莫疲劳,身体健康合家乐。
