你看见我了吗英文怎么翻译成英语翻译 翻译成英文


我又看见你了 用英语怎么说 I saw you 打开电视我又看见了你 1.turn on the tv and i see you there我又看见了你的容颜 1.i see your face again我看见你又一次走了,并且隐姓埋名 。

你看见我了吗英文怎么翻译成英语翻译 翻译成英文

英语翻译 要用过去式,这也是为何中文里用了“刚刚”的原因.Did you see the keys that I had left here?问对方“刚刚”,或“刚才”的句子,”看见“这个动作都发生在问话之前,所以用过去时;我把钥匙放在这里“这个动作,又肯定发生在“看见”之前,所以用“过去完成时”以便区隔先后.

你看见我了吗英文怎么翻译成英语翻译 翻译成英文

英语翻译 这确实容易让人迷糊.“我在那儿看见你”,应为:\"I saw you there.\"“我看见你在那儿”,应为:\"I saw you were there.\"再给你补充一句你没问到的.“我们一会儿在那见”,\"I will see you there.\"\"I see you there\"这句话.

你看见我了吗英文怎么翻译成英语翻译 翻译成英文

我没看见 英文怎么说 两种情况: 1,如果是对话类型,现在问你有没有看见,你回答我没看见,答案就是I don't see it. 举例:你看见桌上的书了吗?Do you see the book on the table?。

你看见我的铅笔盒了吗?翻译成英语 Did you see my pencil-case?祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~

翻译成英文 Did you see a little girl just now?

英语翻译 第一句:??? ????? ????(阿拉伯)Ich habe ein wenig wie du(德语)Я немного бы вы(俄语)第二句:????? ?? ??? ?? ?????????(阿拉伯)und ich wünschte dich ein L?cheln sehen(德语)и я хотел вас видеть улыбку(俄语)我每一句话给你翻译了3种语言,要是还不够的话我在给你翻译.

我会珍惜能看见你的时间 翻译成英文怎么翻译~ 你好。我会珍惜能看见你的时间I will cherish the time can see you.

用英文怎么说\ 用反问句来表达。Can't you see I am busy?Don't you know I am hungry?

英语翻译 为你解答.1.昨天这个时候你们英语老师在做什么?她在和一些家长谈话吗?What was your teacher doing at this time yesterday?Was she talking with any parents?2.当我离开的时候他正在画一幅世界地图.When I left,he was drawing a map of the world.3.当你看见他们的时候他们在干什么?他们在打扫教室.What were they doing when you saw them?They were cleaning the classroom.4.那时二班的学生没在操场上踢足球,他们在打篮球.The students of Class Two weren't playing football on the playground at that time.They were playing basketball.5.一天,母亲下班回家的时候,约翰在写给一个朋友写信.One day,when mum returned home from work,John was writing a letter to his friend.6.上周五一下午,学生们在干什么?他们一直在往墙上贴海报.What were the students doing last Friday afternoon?They were putting on some posters on the wall.7.昨天这个时候,一些学生在植树,一些学生在给小树浇水.At this time yesterday,some students were planting trees,and some are watering the young trees.8.老师走进教室的时候,学生们正在谈论。

