黑布林沉睡谷传奇读后感(英语) Aesop's Fables:The Ass and the Lapdog A Farmer one day came to the stables to see to his beasts of burden:among them was his favourite Ass,that was always well fed and often carried his master.With the Farmer came his Lapdog,who danced about and licked his hand and frisked about as happy as could be.The Farmer felt in his pocket,gave the Lapdog some dainty food,and sat down while he gave his orders to his servants.The Lapdog jumped into his master's lap,and lay there blinking while the Farmer stroked his ears.The Ass,seeing this,broke loose from his halter and commenced prancing about in imitation of the Lapdog.The Farmer could not hold his sides with laughter,so the Ass went up to him,and putting his feet upon the Farmer's shoulder attempted to climb into his lap.The Farmer's servants rushed up with sticks and pitchforks and soon taught the:急求 电影 断头谷/沉睡谷传奇/sleeping hollow 的英语影评一篇,字数没要求。 The gothic literature or Gothicliteraturefrom gothic(Goth),the gothic originally refers to live in northern Europe,belong to national gothic tribe.The word\"gothic\"originally refersto the medieval architecture style,the style of architecture was popular inthe 12th to 16th century in Europe,mainly to reflect in the church andcastle.To 18 th century,the word\"gothic\"become a new kind ofnovel,the name of the genre called gothic literature or Gothicliterature.British literary critics point out that gothic novels about daily life,be fondof refused to\"cliffs and the deep,torture and terror,magic,a restlessand are addictive.Immersing it and haunted,sudden death,the dungeons,hex,illusion and prophecy.Gothic novels,fundamentally speaking,of the past andnow is to the comfortable and safe political stability and business prosperityof the negative reaction.The most important is,it against rationalcontrol.Inthe legend of sleepy hollow,\"the hero in the valley of sleep,Klein,。在fate中,你最喜欢的三个人物是哪三个?排名分先后,还要说出喜欢他或她的理由。 问这个问题的原因就是想知道lancer、雁夜、卫宫切嗣等非超人气在大家心中的位置如何,希望大家踊跃回答了…
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