

快.在线等.下面这句话哪里错了 目前,在亚洲、欧美许多国家,一股汉语学习的热潮正随着中国对外影响的扩大而日益膨胀,汉语必将成为全球的强势语言. 这个是有歧义的关键在这个顿号代表的省略意义你说是“在亚洲的很多国家和欧美的很多国家”还是在“亚州”和“欧美的很多国家”?知道了吧?




我那细心的妈妈 作文 “妈,我的…东西在哪呢?这句话,我在家不知对妈妈说了多少遍了,反正我已记不清了,只记得每一次妈妈的回答都是正确的,因为妈妈真的很细心。瞧,我这个粗心鬼又来了。“咦,我的鞋子呢?那是过年时,妈妈给我.


第一页 第二页 。第二十页.求高手翻译. 第一页first page;第二页The second page;第二十页The twentieth page

久久地凝眸大海 视野开朗,豪情万丈,感觉能容纳百川也感觉犹如沧海中的一粟

新概念一176页的答案 Lesson 86A1 She has just boiled an egg.3 She has never been to China,but he was there in 1992.4 He has already painted that bookcase.7 He has just dusted the cupboard.B1 I've already cleaned my shoes.I cleaned my shoes last night.2 I've already opened the window.I opened the window an hour ago.3 I've already sharpened my pencil.I sharpened my pencil a minute ago.4 I've already turned on the television.I turned on the television ten minutes ago.5 I've already boiled the milk.I boiled the milk yesterday morning.6 I've already emptied the basket.I emptied the basket yesterday.7 I've already asked aquestion.I asked aquestion two minutes ago.8 I've already typed that letter.I typed that letter this morning.9 I've already washed my hands.I washed my hands five minutes ago.10 I've already walked across the park.I walked across the park an hour ago.11 I've already painted that bookcase.I painted that bookcase a year ago.12 I've already dusted the cupboard.I 。

鲁A 鲁B 鲁C 鲁D 鲁E 鲁F 鲁G 鲁H 鲁J 鲁K 鲁L 鲁M 鲁N 鲁P 鲁Q 鲁R 鲁S 鲁T 鲁U 鲁V 鲁W 分别代表哪些城

`---------原来七个小矮人香蕉是全世界最大的? 你该去看医生了

x56xxxxxx 1xx7xx2xx x14x8xxxx 8xxxxxxx9 xxxx4x35x xxx53xxxx xx9xx8xx2 xxxx2x16x x56xxxxxx 1xx7xx2xx 此处应有一空行,否则题目部错误 x14x8xxxx 8xxxxxxx9 xxxx4x35x xxx53xxxx xx9xx8xx2 xxxx2x16x依据空行位置得出解如下:7 5 6 8 1 2 9 3 41 4 3 7 9 6 2 8 59 2 8 4 5 3 6 7 15 1 4 3 8 9 7 2 68 3 2 6 7 5 4 1 96 9 7 2 4 1 3 5 82 6 1 5 3 4 8 9 73 7 9 1 6 8 5 4 24 8 5 9 2 7 1 6 3

