“你必须好好休息”用英语怎么说 我打算在家里好好休息的英文


好好休息一下英文怎么翻译 have a good rest

“你必须好好休息”用英语怎么说 我打算在家里好好休息的英文

英语翻译 1、I have some things in the home,tomorrow and the day after tomorrow,leave don't come to work.2、recent home some things,I want to please a few days off,I hope you can approve it3、I want to use th.

“你必须好好休息”用英语怎么说 我打算在家里好好休息的英文

请教日语翻译。 我们不打算出去旅游了,元旦想好好休息休息,把家里重新布置一下。 旅行しないことにした。元日にはゆっくり休んで、部屋を新たに饰ることにする。

“你必须好好休息”用英语怎么说 我打算在家里好好休息的英文

“你必须好好休息”用英语怎么说 You must have a good rest!

打算好好的休息一下的翻译是:什么意思 打算好好的休息一下翻译为:Intend to take a good rest

英语翻译 1.医生建议他好好休息,按时服药.(advise)The doctor advised him to rest well and take medication on time.2.大学毕业后你打算做什么?(graduate from)What do you plan to do after graduating from university?

英语翻译 楼上都是翻译器,我汗…=翻译如下:Feeling so tired lately.So tired playing football at school and there is increasing pressure in life.I really wish to have a day where I can rest completely and.

我想去一个没人的地方 休息 英语怎么说 1 I want to go for a rest where there are no people.2 I feel like going where there few people just to have a few days' good rest.3 Don't go where there are many people,for it is much too noisy there.

我们是不是应该在家好好休息 是啊,想休息就休息啊,自己高兴就好,做自己喜欢做的事



