充实了我的课余生活用英文怎么说 食品安全知识竞赛Food Safety Quiz舞蹈大赛充实了我的课余生活Dance Competition enriched my life after school帮我写一篇有关课余生活的英语短文,70词 I am a junior middle school student.And I have lots of spare time after class for my hobbies.Reading is my favourite.I think do some reading in my spare time is very useful and can make me feel happy.And I like reading novles best.There are many famous novels I like,such as Gone With the Wind.At the same time,I also do some sports in my spare time.我是一个初中学生.我在课后有很多的课余时间.读书是我的最爱,我觉得在课余时间读书是非常有用的,而且能够使我觉得快乐.其中我最喜欢读小说,有很多我喜欢的名著,例如《飘》.同时,我也会在课余时间做一些运动.正好74个词,语法也不难,单词也很简单,初一应该正好.丰富我的课余生活和锻炼自己 英语翻译 enrich my life after school and practice myself希望帮助到你,学习进步。[英文翻译] 它代表着我的多彩课余生活 It represents my colorful school lifeMy after school life and ultimately a small daily diary.Previously,I have some inertia,I did not want to write,just want to play,but mother told me:\"Just write a little diary every day,you can put a good word accumulation,good sentence,paragraph good use of it,when you write a small essay,you do not think difficult,grow up,you can turn these small diary,you will find very interesting childhood。Now,I like a changed man,writing a daily diary is small,but now I write progress,I was gratefully of my school life are:。insist on practicing the piano for an hour a day practicing on Sunday two pencil word,Half an hour a day reading,spend 15 minutes every morning,listening to did not forget to exercise every day,\"\"colorful and have a regular after school life,not only increased knowledge,stronger physique,but also cultivate a sentiment,I think the benefit.
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