求一篇英语作文 写你上个假期做什么了(用日记形式写) 写一篇假期中干什么事的作文


美好的暑假里一定发生了很多有趣的事情吧,把你觉得值得纪念的事情写成作文吧,下面小编为你分享假期里的一件事作文,欢迎参考!假期里的一件事作文1 十一长假中,我们一家。

求一篇英语作文 写你上个假期做什么了(用日记形式写) 写一篇假期中干什么事的作文


求一篇英语作文 写你上个假期做什么了(用日记形式写) 写一篇假期中干什么事的作文


求一篇英语作文 写你上个假期做什么了(用日记形式写) 写一篇假期中干什么事的作文

假期里的一件事写事作文 放假时,我在家里写作业、看书,有时会看看电视、上上网。一天又一天,我逐渐感到枯燥无味。于是,妈妈对我说:“爸爸妈妈要上班没时间打扫家里的卫生,你可以帮我们打扫,。

写作文。 请你以“暑假”为话题,写一篇作文,可以记假期中印象最深的人或事,可以写自己最难忘的感受。 1快乐暑假经历了残酷的末考以后,便迎来了快乐的暑假.那种雨后见彩虹的感觉,真好。平时紧迫的学习生活压得我喘不过气来.使我不得不放下那刀光剑影的小说,不能再做Jay最疯狂的Fans.以前的死党们大多都各奔东西,寻找各自的梦.已经很久没在一起了…虽然说书中自有黄金屋,为了梦想不得不好好地投入学习,但却也失去了不少快乐,心里难免有些遗憾.放假了,天都由我作主。一定要痛快的享受。激情如酷暑般狂热,火辣。我又可以捧起我曾经至爱的小说,如饥如渴,被故事里的情节感动,激奋,逗乐…好佩服作者的智慧:写尽人生百态,人性的善恶,生活的哲理,人生的意义.情感是那样的丰富,故事是那样的逼真,观之如身临其境,妙哉。早听说Jay的处男作电影《头文字D》将在暑假公演,大好良机怎容错过,当然是第一时间去抢购,然后尽情欣赏偶像超酷的飘移和他浪漫而又遗憾的恋情\"陪\"他度过一个丰富多彩的暑假.酷透了。放假了,当然少不了和阔别已久的死党们好好聚一聚。俗话都说:士别三日,理当刮目相看.果然一点儿也不假.看,个个都变得高大威猛,英俊潇洒,以前大手大脚的\"粗鲁汉\",现在都成了风度翩翩的绅士了.也许是环境所逼吧.还有,他们球技的突飞猛进更是令人大吃一惊呵.这些小子,不简单啊。世间万物在。

写俩篇英语作文,一篇写你假期做了什么事?还有一篇写你周六周日做了什么事。每篇不少于6句,谢谢。 第一篇

初二英语作文 写一篇上个假期你干了什么的作文(用过去时)自拟题目 Last summer vacation Last vacation,I was very happy.Let me see.Frist,I joined summer camp,we went to the sun beach.The weather was sunny,so I swam in the blue sea with many friend.Then I went to the Dalin with my family.the food was very delicious and there people were friendly.I did many important thing,my mother think me did good.In a word the vacation was happy.

英语作文:假期里做的一件事 I went to see a film named with my classmates in JiangNan Cinema.以下是一篇从网上看到的别人的观后感,Review on Bodyguards and Assassinswas thoroughly,deeply,and magnificently entertained for the film's entire running time,and for that I am eternally grateful.The plot is rather transparent,and even predictable,but only in the best kind of way.In its defense,the plot should be straightforward,since there's(thankfully)no espionage subplot/distraction that leads to narrative machinations.A group of essentially everyday people must protect Sun Yat Sen from assassins while he visits Hong Kong.The film is also didactic,but you know that from the first frame.And for this film,it works,because it is an integral plot point.How can you make a movie about political turmoil in China and not be somewhat didactic?Refreshingly,the film is not one-sidedly didactic.In all honesty,I am surprised that the film's sympathies lay where they do,politically speaking.Because some of the conflicts in the 。


