帮忙翻译一下英语的演讲稿,拜托手写,有点长,不过还是希望高水准。 我亲爱的朋友,首先,我想问你们 首先 我需要恭喜你们 翻译


英语翻译 Dear(对方的名字):I am very glad to learn that you have been promoted to the general manager.Congratulations to you on your success。When I know about this good news,I was so very,very pleased from my heart,and as your old classmate,I was gratified by your success.You are always smart,capable as well as positive.I trust that you will be a man to accomplish great things in your new position.Finally,I want to say that you are a good example of me.I will try my best to workhard and get promoted by my self one day.sincerely,(你的名字)PS:鄙视楼上直接用电脑翻译还说自己是学生的…我是纯手工的哦~望采纳~

英语翻译 1.Have you reached your home yet?上面的两个也可以~2.When did you reach your home?3.We have reached home earlier/later for 2 hours than the time we have previously estimated.4.They had reached home sefely.5.Are you sure those kids have get bacjk home safely?

你好,首先恭喜你能够在水文局工作,不知道你感觉如何。我将参加水文局面试,您是过来人,可否指点一下? 不知道你报的是什么岗位,如果是勘测工的话我了解,这单位工资还不错,事业单位,人事编制在省里,所以工资是省会城市的,像我是新疆的一个小城市,但是工资是跟乌鲁木齐事业单位平均工资齐平,才参加工作,现在工资是4千。像我新疆的情况基本是,4月到9月在水文站,10月到次年3月在局机关,在局机关基本没任何事情,基本上闲的,玩的。在测站上时,得看测站所在的环境,大部分地方很偏僻,人非常少的地方,农村,山脚之类的。当人也有很不错的站,挨着县城。测站每日的工作很少,一天时间,真正工作的时间总共不到15分钟,很悠闲。当然如果来洪水的话得好好的忙一阵子了,别的时间基本是闲的。现在全国水文系统有水利部赠送的卫星上网设备,所以每个局基本上在很偏僻的地方都能有一个能上网的站,像我把每天工作完了 就是上网看电影了。水文局级别设的比较高,如果工作努力,相比别的单位来说,拿上 副科级 正科级 还是容易的。不好的事这单位 非常的,怎么说呢,封闭,很少有人听说过,你搜也会发现,很少很少,周围的人基本没听说过。所以到这单位,想给家里人帮忙,基本不存在可能性。很少和别的单位有交集。好了不说 大概这样,这是我玩知道以来 第一次。

帮忙翻译一下英语的演讲稿,拜托手写,有点长,不过还是希望高水准。 我亲爱的朋友,首先,我想问你们 My dear friend,first of all,I want to ask you aquestion,you have experienced the failure?If you answer no,then the first congratulations on your good luck,but at the same time to remind you,failure won't let you off;If you answer is,that also would like to congratulate you,because at least experienced failure do you still live well.Failure is like the other side of success,if you want to succeed,failure is inevitable。A failure,often with a great and meaningful attempt.As Vincent lombardi said\"great try,even if fail,is glorious.\"In the face of failure,don't frown,the don't because of the failure and frustration.In the face of failure,you have several choices?Is continue to work hard to gain success,choose to face failure or choose to give up a different face failure or choose to give up a different approach to succeed,or ignores the failure always get them?If continue to work hard,you choose the first one is like Edison invented king even fail one thousand times but I don。

英语翻译 Dear grandfathers,paternal grandmother:first,please allow me to represent entire family to express the heartfelt congratulation happily to your golden wedding anniversary。the 50 year helps one another.

很高兴收到你上一次的来信,首先恭喜你乔迁新居,并感谢你对我的邀请,我将于6月20号晚上7时,准时赴约.期待与你的见面.I am pleased to receive you in the last letter,first of all congratulate you move new house,.

